Bulgarian Patriarch Meets with National Assembly Leaders to Discuss Collaboration

Bulgarian Patriarch Meets with National Assembly Leaders to Discuss Collaboration

OCP News Service – 09/07/2024

Sofia – Bulgaria: His Holiness Patriarch Daniil of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church held a significant meeting today with the Speaker of the National Assembly, Raya Nazaryan, and representatives from all parliamentary groups. The assembly took place at the Synod Palace, marking a moment of unity between the secular and spiritual leadership of Bulgaria.

The gathering included prominent Metropolitans such as Joseph of the USA, Canada, and Australia, Grigoriy of Great Tarn, Gabriel of Lovchan, Nicholas of Plovdiv, Anthony of Western and Central Europe, John of Varna and Great Preslav, Seraphim of Nevrokop, Nahum of Ruse, Cyprian of Stara Zagora, Grigoriy of Vrachan, Yakov of Dorostol, Arsenius of Sliven, and Bishop Gerasim of Melnysh, who serves as the chief secretary of the Holy Synod. They were joined by parliamentary representatives Tomislav Donchev (GERB-SDS), Yordan Tsonev (DPS), Nikolay Denkov (PP-DB), Tsoncho Ganev (Vazrazhdane), Ivan Ivanov (BSP for Bulgaria), and Alexander Alexandrov (ITN).

Patriarch Daniil began the meeting with a blessing for the attendees, expressing hope for a fruitful collaboration between the church and the state. “The union between secular and spiritual power gives faith and trust that with common efforts, common good deeds can be achieved,” he remarked. “Let us keep our conscience clean, let us pray to God to help us to correct ourselves when we sin. This gives us God’s blessing and God helps us. The Church prays for peace throughout the world.”

The Patriarch emphasized the responsibility of the representatives to serve the people and maintain their well-being, noting that this duty should be carried out with good faith. “If there is tolerance and effort for understanding in the parliament and if everyone is guided by the common good, it will unite people. Everyone makes mistakes, but if there is repentance, there will be progress for both the person and the nation,” he added.

Speaker Nazaryan responded with a heartfelt address, acknowledging the vital moral guidance provided by the Bulgarian Orthodox Church in times of rapid change and challenge. “Our people need the permanent moral guidelines of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, as well as the example of Your Holiness for high morals and philanthropy,” she said. Nazaryan highlighted the historical instances where the Bulgarian Orthodox Church played an essential role in uniting the people and fostering national interests.

In a symbolic exchange of gifts, Speaker Nazaryan presented Patriarch Daniil with a replica of the parliamentary bell from the Constituent Assembly, while the Patriarch gifted her an icon of the Holy Mother of God with the Child and a Bible.

The meeting concluded with a mutual commitment to continue fostering cooperation between the church and the state, aiming to work together for the common good of the Bulgarian people.


OCP News Service

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