Perspectives of collaboration in social assistance area between the Orthodox Church of Moldova and the Czech Orthodox Church


A group of clergymen of the Metropolis of Moldova met Hegumen Damian, the Elder of the St. Rostislav Monastery of Prague, Czech Republic. Fr. Damian was accompanied by several businessmen – investors Peter Haiek, Holy Milos, and project coordinator Portes Daniel.

The Czech guests had a discussion with Mitred Archpriest Vadim Cheibaş, Mitred Archpriest Nicolae Craveţ, Archimandrite Siluan Şalaru, Hegumen Ioan Moşneguţu, lay Christians, Mr. Victor Moraru and Iurie Todirean, focusing on opportunities to establish relations of collaboration in the social assistance area.

The parties shared their experience in this sphere, and discussed opportunities and perspectives of implementing joint projects.

The Metropolitan Secretary, Mitred Archpriest Vadim Cheibaş thanked the Czech guests for their openness and eagerness to collaborate, and expressed certainty that the discussion will result in a sustainable and long-lasting collaboration that will have great positive impact on the Church and the Society.

The members of the Czech delegation confirmed the aspirations of Moldovan clergymen and lay Christians, and said, in their turn, that very soon the discussions will bring along concrete acts.


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