Australian Labor Party National Conference Condemns Attempted Genocide of Assyrians in Iraq

July 2015

(AINA) — The 47th National Conference of the Australian Labor Party (ALP) was held between June 24 — 26 in Melbourne, Victoria. The gathering of the ALP’s highest representative body and decision-making forum meets every three years to decide official party policy.

In an unprecedented move, the National Conference passed a resolution concerning the human rights situation of the Assyrian people in Iraq. The resolution was moved by The Honourable Chris Bowen MP (Federal Member for McMahon and Shadow Treasurer) and Ms Lenda Oshalem (Assistant State Secretary of the ALP in Western Australia). It was passed unanimously by conference delegates. Mr Bowen’s electorate incorporates the largest concentration of Assyrians in Australia and Ms Oshalem is herself of Assyrian ancestry.

The motion condemns the “attempted genocide” of the Assyrian people at the hands of the Islamic State and supports their aspirations for the establishment of an autonomous region in the Nineveh Plains.

The resolution will now be included in the ALP’s National Platform, a document outlining the key policy priorities for the ALP and providing a clear statement of the ALP’s beliefs and values. It is the ALP’s program for government.

It is noteworthy that the plight of Christian and other ethnic and religious minorities in the Middle East was also included at Fringe, a program of 50 events held on the sidelines of the National Conference exploring policy ideas. An event organised by the Australian Christian Lobby entitled ‘Policy Solutions for Persecuted Religious Minorities’ was held on June 26. The forum sought to highlight the urgent plight of persecuted religious minorities and to propose immediate policy action Australia should take to relieve their suffering. Speakers at the event included Mrs Maria Vamvakinou MP (Federal Member for Calwell), Mr Chris Hayes MP (Federal Member for Fowler), His Grace Bishop Suriel (Coptic Orthodox Church) and Ms Elizabeth Kendall (Christian Faith and Freedom). Mrs Vamvakinou and Mr Hayes both represent sizeable Assyrian communities in their respective electorates.

The full resolution is as follows:

Mover: Chris Bowen (NSW)
Seconder: Lenda Oshalem (WA)That Labor:

  1. Condemns the actions of the Islamic State in Iraq which amounts to attempted genocide of minorities including the Assyrian, Chaldean, Mandaean and Yezidi people;
  2. Re-affirms the rights of the Christian and other minorities of Iraq to live in peace and freedom and calls for all steps to be taken to ensure that all members of the affected communities can live in freedom in Iraq;
  3. When in Government, will continue to provide humanitarian, financial and other forms of appropriate assistance to support these Christian and other minorities who have been internally displaced within Iraq;
  4. Notes the aspirations of the Assyrian and Chaldean people for the establishment of an autonomous region in the Nineveh plains and welcome the in-principle agreement of the Iraqi government to this request earlier this year.

© 2015 Assyrian International News Agency.



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