Tom Hanks Defend Serbs: Kosovo is Serbia

Translated by Kisha D Dorado
OCP News Service

Tom Hans himself is a convert to Orthodoxy. More here:

LOS ANGELES-The famous Hollywood star, a double Oscar-winning actor Tom Hanks unexpectedly sided with the Serbs and in the show cable station “E” he said that that Kosovo has always been Serbia and will be again one day!

Talking about the beginning of the recent shooting of a Hollywood spectacle about History of the State of Israel, produced by Steven Spielberg where he will play a major role. He compared golgotha and the Jews with suffering of Kosovo Serbs.

During the World War II and Holocaust, Jews suffered a lot, not to mention what had happened to them hundreds of years earlier. In spite of all, they never lost faith and returned back to their country. They have an entire millennium where they greeted each other saying (see you) “Next year in Jerusalem.” Similar case we have today in Kosovo. It was inhabited by Serbs, who built monasteries and had their own kings and then they were expelled by Albanians. At the end of the 20th century there were NATO bombs falling on Serbs, but they still do not want to admit that Kosovo is an independent state and proudly say that “Kosovo is Serbia”, like the Jews who once eventually returned to their country, so maybe that is the case with the Serbs, said Hanks.

Tom Hanks is known in Hollywood for his interest in historical themes, so he had worked together with Spielberg in the historical documentary film about World War II and is considered one of the best ever educated Hollywood actors.

OCP News Translation

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    Lazar 12 years

    The truth will never die. Kosovo is and will stay SERBIA.

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    Možete li nam dati link na original ove vesti ? Nigde na netu ne mogu da nađem, izgleda da može biti lažna vest, niko ne zna odakle je potekla a svi citiraju jedni druge. Na web sajtu stanice E! ne postoji ništa u vezi ovoga a nema ni na pretraživačima.

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    Darkwooebg 12 years

    Ajde ti raspali Stonexu ne pali se. Govedo jedno brdsko i ruzno idi pljugaj kite uticajnim tviterasima za rt.

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    Nesa 12 years

    hahahahah jeste brate ruzan za medalju, nabio ovu sliku a konjina kao akrep gadan imam ga ja ne fejsu

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    LOL 12 years

    Naravno da je lazna. Kao i ona od prije par godina kad su svi srpski mediji prenosili “vijest” da se Dzordz Kluni i Seron Stoun bore za srpske interese. 😀

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    Neeex5 12 years

    Taulant, just for the sake of argument..Serbs have been stepped over, slaughtered, tortured, converted, but they remained and still prevail as ortodox serbs, in the end. Do not insult a culture you know almost nothing about. Big empires have extinguished little nations throughout history..just because the modern roman empire is on your side doesn’t mean that justice is too. Personally, I don’t think all albanians are bad, since all serbians are not good. Eventually, it comes to a black and white argument- it is not about religion and possession, it is about good and bad people, and some warmonqers from distant countries who keep claiming to know what is best for us.

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    Svetlana Latkovic 12 years

    God bless you Tom Hanks for telling the truth. As for you Begolli….my family is from Kosovo my father was a serb born and raised there till Yugoslavia gave you pigs rights in OUR country because your country is so poor the dogs don’t hv anything to eat. Lets talk exile! My 89 year old grandfather refused to leave his home and his land when all the serbs in his village were expelled and a siptar peice of shit like yourself came and made him kneel down (when he could barely walk) and made him watch as they burned one of the houses that was on his land and in his family for for over 200 yrs! Then they proceeded to make him stand up and told him to turn around so he can shoot him in the bavk like the coward he was. My grandfather refused he said to look him in the eyes and shoot him like a man. At that point umprofor came and rescued him. He died a broken man 6months later because he lost everything he loved. Kosovo is Serbian alwats was always will be! Get educated you ignorant peice of smelly trash and then talk. You call us monkies? Your relatives still live in filth and don’t bathe, as a child I remember going to Kosovo and repelling from the stench of the siptars in Pec! Your country is Albania! Kosovo is something that American propaganda gave you but NEVER WILL IT BE YOURS! KOSOVO JE SRPSKO!

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    Zorica 12 years

    wow , this is all sad and brings a tear to my heart … I was born in Yugoslavia and wish it was still around when WE all loved and lived together , it didnt matter if you were a Serb , Croatian , Macedonian  , etc … WE all were together and “Tito ” is probably just shaking his head ….just so sad now …

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    […] Read the full news: Tom Hanks Defend Serbs: Kosovo is Serbia […]

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    Albo 12 years

    Damn you fuking Serbs got some bad shit in your mouth

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    Moma 12 years

    Keep on dreaming

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    Ivan 12 years

    Nebojša jel ti opet žena fufa nije dala pa si ovde našao da pametuješ, matora konjino 

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    […] Hanks says Kosovo is always Serbia pretty sweet article methinketh Tom Hanks Defend Serbs: Kosovo is Serbia – News | Orthodoxy Cognate PAGE __________________ "Everyone capable of thanksgiving is capable of joy and eternal […]

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    Jelena 12 years

    Taulant, verujem da razumeš ti i srpski, pa ću ti se tako obratiti. To što si naveo je gomila gluposti i dezinformacija, tipična manipulacija, samo tako vi umete da radite. Kosovo je oteto Srbima, baš kao i oni organi koje su Šiptari na Kosovu vadili Srbima i prodavali dalje… To je vaš manir, to je vaš stil.   

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    Michael 12 years

    Albanians stole Serbian land, committed genocide, and executing apartheid against Serbs today by destroying monasteries, graveyards, pushing drugs and prostitution. One day they will have to return to Albania where they belong.

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    Brasa 12 years

     A ko tebe natera da citas ovaj text gde Pravoslavci citaju:Ja necitam tamo gde ustase i koje kakvi citaju svoje stvari:I ovako i onako Katolici propadaju i zato ti je krivo;Ko vam je kriv kad sa djavolom tikve sadite a znase kad takve rabote radite sta se desi:Bilo bi ti bolje da se okrenes pravoslavlju kao TOM H.

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    KOSOVA 12 years

    qifshaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa serbineeeeeeeeeeeeee

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    Shqiponja_sejdiu 12 years

    Serbs think they own everything and Bosnia and Croatia and the people who live there, they can simply sell their fantastic at their much awake from your dream please

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    F*** fascist !!!

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    Joan 12 years

    Fuck these Balkan conflicts. You guys are mad for fighting over this for centuries. You should be living at peace because you’re neighbours! By the way, all the world knows about Serbian extreme nationalism ideas&actions while no such assault is ever taken by Albanians, nowhere in their long history. Although, probably some thoughtless Albanians did crimes on some innocent Serbs too but as the proverb goes: The best defense is offense. They had to fight for their land & homes didn’t they?!

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    Balkanac 12 years

     You poor actor and live the history of the Balkans is not no script and also not the wishes of your wife
    wake up and live the life (acting outside) or learn the correct history….

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    црвена јабука 12 years

    Узели смо Косово од вас сада ћемо узети НИС, а касније у Београду. Живела Велика Албанија

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    blackmountain78 12 years

    More Serbian PROPAGANDA! You are too pathetic…

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    benedikti 12 years

    Not sure if this is Tom Hanks in Forrest Gump mode, or silly balkan humor news.

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    Lazar why u all just don’t go there where u belong (mother Rusia) ?!

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    Tima 12 years

    You are delusional just like the rest of your nation who share your condition.You serbians are such a delusional nation.  Take a look at some of the many pictures, from the link provided below, of massacred babies and young children.  Genocide committed by you, one cannot be in a sound mind to do this to a child and innocent people.  (source) Ethnic Cleansing reduxwww.zeriyt.comAfter touring the grisly scene and seeing the bodies of some 20 ethnic Albanians…See more

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    Albert Vokshi New York 12 years

    TOM HANG i think that u really hawe problem after you played in the  movie wheen plain crash..
    i dont remember the movie but it wass only movie and i see how demage did in your brain …if this is truth
    than mister Hanf Fuck you and your orthodox bs

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    BABA_ANUHIU 12 years



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    […] press are ablaze with stories that Tom Hanks has nailed Serbian colours firmly on the Kosovo mast in an interview with TV station E! when he stated Kosovo has always been […]

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    Grande 12 years

    I think the best way to deal with this old story is to open the western history books. Tom Hanks is not an historian, he is an actor. It’s like Dustin Hoffman that directed his new movie “Quartet” and said to an interview with Letterman that Verdi was an opera singer…open the history book people and don’t talk trash.

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    Memo2525 12 years

    It seems that Tom Hanks is unaware that history of Kosova didn’t start with the Slavic occupation of this part of Europe.He should Google it and in a matter of seconds he will find out the truth.Anyway this statement will have his 15 minutes of publicity but Kosova will belong to Kosovars so long the sun is shining.By the way there are 310 millions of americans who think differently than this clown. 

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    […] Hanks eine Hauptrolle hat, verglich er Golgotha und die Juden mit dem Leiden der Kosovo-Serben. Tom Hanks Defend Serbs: Kosovo is Serbia – News | Orthodoxy Cognate PAGE […]

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    Isuf_mehmeti 12 years

    Tom, I am very disappointed for your opinion about Kosovo and Kosovo Serbs, You are totally misinformed or are the same as the those who massacred children, elderly, and women in Srebrenica, BiH, as well as the entire territory of Kosovo.What I heard in the media makes me suspect that you will react in the same way as did the army and paramilitary forces of the Serbian state.Horrified by the fact that a Hollywood actor thinks in this way and disgusting.This pushed me to believe that you at least can be an actor, mostly a killer.Really sorry for you.

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    the welcoming albanian 12 years

    please leave all this bs, tom hanks is just a mouth that spoke his opinion nothing more. serbs take it easy i understand ur pain where u cant have something that u lost, its done its over. even and even if they were ur lands we albanians took them over from u like a candy from a baby even with the help of the world the same help u had from ussr or whoever so shush…as for u coming back its only a dream and a nightmare bc when u had a gun i had a knife and now u have a gun and i do too so by all means welcome back for u will b expected with the most biggest hospitality home made with blood and tears double headed eagle bullets. have a good life for i am sure that sooner or later ur going o start killing each other just 2 say i started a war again hahahaha……mrrsh u sto pizde materine, daj boze da dodete da vas pucam mozak nazad u smerdiju kao sto radio moj prvi deda oc i ja qu allahi mi ga….

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    Ja barem nisam pizda da se krijem po internetu kao ti.

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    V. V. 12 years

    Tom Hanks is ignorant and uneducated..this has always been Albanian land (dating back centuries). To liken Serbs to the Jews in the Holocaust is a complete joke! Serbs are more like the Nazis in the Holocaust. A complete disgrace! Serbs went around brutally murdering, torturing, raping innocent Bosnians, Croatians and then Albanians. The whole world witnessed the brutality – and knows the truth behind this genocide. Kosova belongs to Albanians… Tom Hanks is a disgrace – how can he support killers, rapists and liars? 

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    Indo-European arrival in Europe = Illyrians, (here amongst, Albanians)

    600/700 = Slavic arrival (Serbs) in Europe (at this time, the Albanian people moved South in Balkan to “make room” for Slavs)

    1300’s (late) = Ottoman (Turkish) arrival in Europe (here, Albania, Western Macedonia and Eastern Thracia suffered under the occupation of the Ottomans)

    1912 = Withdrawal of the Turks and independence of Albania.. Forced annexation of the Albanian Kosova-province in Serbia.What later became Yugoslavia was a federation of a bunch of Slavic states, which was in all ways possible (culturally, economically, etc.) unfair towards the Albanians. Their culture was neglected and suppressed, their labor force and natural ressources were exploited and unrewarded.

    1974 = Kosova gained some autonomy, but this was reduced by Serbian president, Milosevic, in 1989. The cultural oppression of the Albanians developed intensely.

    1990 = This resulted in Kosovar political resistance.1998 = Milosevic began the genocide of the Kosovars and approximately 15.000 Kosovars were killed, 500.000 homes were destroyed and about one million Kosovars were forced to flee from the war in trains, which the Serbs had so kindly taken care of.

    1999 = NATO bombings of Serbia

    2007 = Independence of Kosova

    Facts: 1. There were 4% Serbs in Kosova.
    2. If we had really been a consenting part of Serbia, as Serbian and serbo-file people claim, we wouldn’t have a population of 2 mio. Albanians in Kosova who speak fluently Albanian and have a culture totally different from the Serbs. Also, another accusation is that the Kosovars are just the left-overs of the Ottomans and that they are only interested in the continuation of the Ottoman Empire. Well. Why don’t Kosovars speak Turkish? Why are they not in the same way religious like the Turks? We are a strong people, who have always just wanted to be allowed to BE. We have fought for our nationality, for our language, culture and rights, and no one can argue with that, because it is THERE.

    Here you go, instead of encouraging others to read history books… ^^

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    Kosovo is serbia 12 years

    The word shqiptaria or

    Never was seen before 1500 AC

    Think about it…

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    Albowolf612 12 years

    He really must think he is hot shit because he has starred in a few (pseudo) hollywood historical movies. Whoever says that Kosova is Serbia is an immature piece of shit who cannot get out of the ridiculously distant past. You think you claim ownership over something because of some faint significance to your culture. This happened almost a fucking millenium ago. Lets remember what you did in the more recent past and not ignore the reasons why you recieved those bombs by NATO. People declare independence when they feel they’ve been wronged and NOBODY besides a serb would justify keeping sovereignty over a land just because of an event that happened so long ago. Get over yourselves because nobody has time for your foolishness.

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    Here is the reality, Tom hanks has never said that, thats just a lie from the Serbs Media like others, The Lie for the Serbian people ist just like eating and drinking, they cannot live without it

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    […] kind of touchy. Not everyone is happy. The Serbian Orthodox Patriarch isn’t happy, for instance; Tom Hanks (seriously) isn’t happy either. And even though the talks were sponsored by the European Union, Brussels is not the sort of entity […]

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    SipSlow 12 years

    look at your guys fucking names, murati, demiri, tima, adhete you are nothing but arab mongol muslim trash that washed up on the balkans with the rest of the turkish filth you have no claim whatsoever to the albainian christians that lived in illyria, gtfo this forum

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    Memo2525 12 years

    We albanians have also Bqirovic,Gasovic,Vucetovic,Hajdinovski,Sulejmanovski but we are not slavs.It’s our slavic occupiers who enforced it.

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    Couch 12 years

    To Begoli…the Albanians DO have a homeland. It’s called Albania!! Stop your posturing and meaningless platitudes and go home to Albania where you belong!
    I apologize for the vitriol, but I’m sick and tired of hearing about Serbian “atrocities” when Albanians and Croats were just as guilty! As I recall, the Albanians and Croats were happy collaborators with the Nazis during WW2! My father fought in that war (he had me very late in life) and spoke of walking through Albanian villages in Jugoslavia and Croat as well and you people poured hot pitch or boiling oil upon Serb guerillas! As though you people still lived in the Middle Ages!! And you DARE call US monkeys???
    Your people are parasites even here in the U.S. where I had the displeasure of working for crooked, thieving Albanians!! Never again! Your people are a stain in the Balkans and you wonder why nobody likes you over there?? Jeez!! STFU!!

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    Couch 12 years

    Not all Americans believe the b.s. Clinton propagated. He only bombed Serbia because unlike other countries we have fought recently….an American troop invasion of Serbia would’ve resulted in 10s of thousands of American lives. Hence…the saturation bombing of Serbia.
    Don’t kid yourself, pal, because NOBODY in this world likes Albanians!

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    Zoran Zokinho Jovicic 12 years

    what a comment, amen

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