The Patriarch of Romania Celebrated the Divine Liturgy in the Archiepiscopal Cathedral of Buzau


On 10th morning, His Beatitude Daniel, Patriarch of Romania celebrated the Divine Liturgy in the Archiepiscopal Cathedral of Buzau, according to the regulations of our Orthodox Church, before the funeral service for His Eminence Archbishop Epifanie.

The following hierarchs celebrated together with His Beatitude: His Eminence Teofan, Metropolitan of Moldova and Bucovina, His Eminence Teodosie, Archbishop of Tomis, His Eminence Calinic, Archbishop Arges and Muscel, His Eminence Casian, Archbishop of Lower Danube, His Eminence Timotei, Archbishop of Arad, His Grace Nicodim, Bishop of Severin and Strehaia, His Grace Vincentiu, Bishop of Slobozia and Calarasi, His Grace Ambrozie, Bishop of Giurgiu, His Grace Visarion, Bishop of Tulcea, His Grace Gurie, Bishop of Deva and Hunedoara, and His Grace Varsanufie Prahoveanul, Assistant Bishop to the Archdiocese of Bucharest, assisted by a group of priests and deacons.

Hundreds of priests were present in the Archiepiscopal Cathedral and thousands of faithful in front of it.

Then, His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel celebrated, together with a group of hierarchs members of the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church, the funeral service of His Eminence Archbishop Epifanie who passed away Monday, 7 January 2013.


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    393409 389057This is such an excellent post, and was thinking much exactly the same myself. Another excellent update. 849159

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