The First Ever Russian Orthodox Wedding ceremony held in Pakistan


Russian Orthodox Church of Pakistan – 16/9/13

First Russian Orthodox Wedding ceremony was held in one of the two towns in St. Anthony’s Orthodox Parish, a place called Sikandarabad, Kotari near district Jamshoro of Sindh Province of Pakistan. Fr. Anthony Shamaoon held this ceremony at bride’s home as and blessings, please keep them in your love, care and prayers.

There is no church building or community center in the parish. Ceremony was held on 15th September 2013 at Sikandarabad, Kotari. Mr. Aneel Augustine took Alena Kiran as his wife in presence of her parents, family members and relatives. This was a historical event in the parish as it was the first Orthodox wedding ceremony held in Pakistan and the friends, family members, relatives and parents of the bridegroom and bride were happy to see rituals being performed at the ceremony. The couple needs your prayers view of the ceremony.



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