Tag: Press Centre

Feast of the Holy Trinity at the Romanian Patriarchate

OCP- June 16, 2014

June 2014 This year, on 9 June, the Orthodox Church celebrates the feast of the Holy Trinity. On this day the Press Centre of the ... Read More

The Holy Trinity – Feast of Basilica Press Centre

OCP- June 25, 2013

  26/6/13 The feast of the Holy Trinity is the day when Basilica Press Centre of the Romanian Patriarchate is celebrating – two of its ... Read More

The Journalists’ Day at the Church

OCP- June 10, 2012

On 4 June 2012, Basilica Press Centre of the Romanian Patriarchate celebrated its dedication day, the feast of the Holy Trinity. The journalists and the ... Read More

Basilica Press Centre at Anniversary Time, at the Patriarchate

OCP- June 10, 2012

Romanian Orthodox Church 5/6/2012 On the feast of the Holy Trinity, Basilica Press Centre of the Romanian Patriarchate celebrates its saint patron. On this occasion ... Read More

Glasul Bisericii is Heard by the People with Big Soul

OCP- March 3, 2012

22nd february 2012 The Press Office of the Romanian Patriarchate informs us: We give the following explanations on the articles entitled The Press Trust of ... Read More

Basilica Press Centre – 4 Years Since Setting Up

OCP- October 29, 2011

28/10/2011 On the feast of Saint Pious Dimitrios the New, Basilica Press Centre of the Romanian Patriarchate celebrated 4 years since setting up. The Patriarch ... Read More

Basilica Press Centre Celebrated

OCP- June 15, 2011

15-06-2011 At the feast of Holy Trinity, Basilica Press Centre celebrates its dedication day. On this occasion, His Grace Varlaam Ploiesteanul, Assistant Bishop to the ... Read More

Trinitas Celebration At Basilica Press Centre

OCP- May 27, 2010

Romanian Orthodox Church On 24 May 2010, on the feast of the Holy Trinity, His Beatitude Daniel, Patriarch of Romania, celebrated the Divine Liturgy in ... Read More