Suicide Bombers Attack Roman Catholic Cathedral in the Indonesian City of Makassar

Suicide Bombers Attack Roman Catholic Cathedral in the Indonesian City of Makassar

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OCP News Service – 29/3/21

Makassar-Indonesia: The Sacred Heart of Jesus Roman Catholic Cathedral in Makassar was attacked by suicide bombers in which 19 people were injured. The attack was carried out on 28th March 2021, on the day of the Roman Catholic Plam Sunday.

According to the  Antara news agency, Indonesian President Joko Widodohas strongly condemned the attack by stating that “I strongly condemn the act of terrorism at the gates of the cathedral in Makassar. Terrorism is a crime against humanity, it has nothing to do with any religious teachings. All religions are against terrorism,”.

In 2018,  Jamaah Ansharut Daulah (JAD) a group affiliated with ISIS (Daesh) bombed a Church in Surabaya that killed dozens of people.

OCP News Service

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