Sectarian violence kills 2 in Shubra


Sectarian clashes between a number of Muslims and Coptic Christians resurfaced in the Fateh district of Shubra al-Kheima on Monday, after two Muslims were shot and killed by a Copt on Sunday. Security forces surrounded the area, imposed a security cordon around churches in the area and arrested seven Muslims and Copts carrying weapons. In a confrontation, one police officer was shot in the foot.

A security official told Al-Masry Al-Youm that a number of Muslims went to the Shubra al-Khaima Church on Monday after learning that the killer was hiding there. Clashes erupted and gunfire was exchanged.

The official went on to say that the police imposed a security cordon around the area and arrested four Copts and three Muslims who had a machine gun, five pistols and 235 bullets in their possession.

He said a policeman called Haitham Abdul Qadir was shot in the foot, and two residents were injured. He added that the Shubra prosecutor took over investigations, questioned the injured, and will send confiscated weapons to the criminal lab for examination. He said security forces were on the lookout for the suspected killer.

Translated from the Arabic Edition


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