Prayerful remembrance on the martyrs of Belgrade in Altina


On the feast day when our holy Church celebrates Holy Martyrs deacon Avakum and abbot Pajsije, His Holiness Irinej, Serbian Patriarch served the Holy Hierarchal Liturgy at the church dedicated to this confessors of the Christian faith, who suffered by the Turks in 1814 in Belgrade.

In the church in Altina, Serbian Patriarch was concelebrated by priests of the Archbishopric of Belgrade-Karlovac and the Diocese of Canada in the presence of many believers. The service was attended also by vicepresident of the municipality of Zemun Mr. Damir Kovacevic and endower of the church Mr. Zdravko Rajacic. After that there was the holy communion of  children and people and blessing of the slava cake.



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