Patriarch Kirill Mourns Pope Shenouda


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Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill expressed his condolences to the members of the Holy Synod of the Coptic Church in connection with the death of the Primate of the Coptic Church, Pope and Patriarch Shenouda III.

The Holy Synod of the Coptic Church
Your Eminence, and Grace, dear brothers in Christ!

Learned with deep sorrow the sad news of the death of His Holiness Patriarch Shenouda III, who for over forty years zealously fulfilled the ministry of the Primate of the Coptic Church. The whole Christian world has suffered a great loss, having lost an outstanding theologian and preacher inspired so many years stood at the head of the Church-Confessor.

The merits of the deceased as to the completeness of the First Hierarch of the Coptic Church and the whole Christian world truly can be called great. His tireless work for the edification of the church life of the Coptic diaspora, the fight for the rights of Christian minorities in Egypt, a sincere desire for mutual understanding with other Christian Churches, and numerous theological works, sermons won the late Primate of the Coptic Church deserved reputation throughout the world.

We commend the work of the late Patriarch Shenouda III. With love and warm feeling remembering our last meeting during my visit to Egypt in April 2010, testify to the sincere and heartfelt respect to the late Russian Orthodox Church. In turn, our Church has always and consistently supported and supports the Egyptian Christians are systematically persecuted, respectfully acknowledges the contribution of the Coptic Church in the preservation of the traditional Egyptian monasticism and spiritual culture. I am convinced of the need to continue our co-working to achieve peace and justice in the Middle East and around the world, protecting the rights of Christians in places where they are violated.

Merciful Lord give rest the soul of His departed servant of His Holiness Patriarch Shenouda. Eternal memory to him!

With love in Christ
+ Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia


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