Orthodox human rights advocate suggests to license work of black magicians

Moscow, January 20, Interfax – Activities of black magicians and voodoos should be licensed, Director of the Human Rights Center of the World People’s Council Roman Silantyev believes.

Thus, he commented on the suggestion made by Moscow city Duma MP Nikolay Gubenko to introduce scientific licensing of work performed by astrologists, fortune-tellers, magicians and clairvoyants.

“I believe the idea to subordinate work of black magicians to Russian legislation is very productive,” the human rights advocates told Interfax-Religion explaining that such measure would make protection of customers rights more effective.

Silantyev believes that “those who want to witch their enemies should sign a relevant contract with the magician. This document will allow the court to bring magician to trial in compliance with Articles 111, 112, 115 (intended bodily harm of hard, average of light degree) of the Russian Federation Criminal Code, if the recipient’s health is affected, or to try voodoo for fraud, if the witchery doesn’t work,” the interviewee of the agency said.

According to Silantyev, when licensed, those magicians and voodoos who promise “impeccant love spell,” should bring an appropriate certificate from traditional spiritual leaders while shamans will have to prove that agarics they use are not narcotic drugs.

“If this sphere is appropriately licensed, our people will be relieved from overwhelming majority of extrasensory experts, magicians, voodoos and other experts of respectively honest money fraud,” the interviewee of the agency said.


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