Honouring the Memory of Archbishop Makarios

CYPRUS yesterday honored the memory of the first President aeimnistou Archbishop Makarios and Ethnarhou of C with pandima memorial to all the free cities of the island, on the occasion of the thirty-first anniversary of the death.

The official memorial established, took place in the Holy Monastery of Kykkos, Head of Kykkos Bishop Nikiforos and Tillyrias, symparastatoumenos by Metropolitan Tamasou and mountain Isaiah, the bishop Nafkratidos Kyrillo and Theofilestato Chorepiskopo Mesaorias Gregory.

Attended by the President of Cyprus Dimitris Christofias, President of the House Marios Karogian, Defense Minister Costas Papacostas, Minister of Justice and Public Order Chrysostomidis Cyprus, the Minister of Education and Culture Andreas Demetriou, Minister of Commerce, Industry and Tourism Antonis Paschalidis, representative Embassy of Greece, leaders and representatives of parties, including the Honorary President of EDEK Vassos Lyssaridis and SG Movement Green Party George Perdikis as well as representatives from the military authorities.

«Ending the occupation and the reunification of our homeland, to find a peaceful, viable and agreed solution will be the best memorial for the late Ethnarchi Makarios, who consistently fought for the rights of Cyprus and always imagined a free and reunified homeland », said Education Minister Andreas Demetriou attended the speech at the memorial of the Archbishop.

«The Makarios was the leader who had identified the life and existence of the fate and struggles of the people of Cyprus for national freedom, independence and democracy», Mr. Demetriou said, adding that «today honoring the memory of our consider all our responsibilities towards our people, who for 34 years brought the Calvary of refugees, the continuing occupation and anticipation for atermonis vindication ».
The prospects for a solution to the Cyprus problem is, this year, perhaps better than ever, said Minister of Education and Culture Andreas Demetriou, expressing the hope and desire that the memorial Ethnarhou Makariou time will find the solution «to set free all the creative forces of all our people, to engage in building a future of civilization and prosperity, free from misery, the hardship and suffering brought the conflicts of the past ».
«The prospect of a peaceful and lasting solution of the Cyprus problem, through continued negotiations under the auspices of the UN Secretary General, is the only safe course, set by the late first ethnarch Makarios», said Minister of Education.

Mr. Demetriou said, also in the dialogue between the two leaders and to scrutinize the talks which begin on 3 September, saying that «our side has all the goodwill to cooperate in finding a peaceful and durable solution , to reunite our homeland and ensure the harmonious coexistence between Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots in a truly free Cyprus, a guaranteed basic human rights of all Cypriot people ».

«This would have needed to ensure an end to the occupation, withdrawal of Turkish troops and settlers, safeguarding the rights of the refugee world, to ascertain the fate of all missing persons, and the creation of a bizonal bicommunal federation, where the fundamental human rights are respected as provide the resolutions and decisions of the UN and the basic principles of the European Union », underlined.

Then took place trisagio wreaths and tabled by the Church, the state and political leadership of Cyprus in the tomb of Archbishop and Ethnarhou Makariou, located to the throne at the top above the monastery.


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