OCP Secretary welcomes statement by Dr. Joseph Mar Thoma Metropolitan

Dr. Joseph Marthoma Metropolitan

OCP News Service

India/Kerala: Orthodoxy Cognate PAGE Secretary and Spokesperson George Alexander have welcomed statements made by Joseph Mar Thoma Metropolitan, the Primate of the Marthoma Syrian Church of Malabar at their Prathinidhi Mandalam which began on 30th August 2012. Dr. Joseph Marthoma Metropolitan in his speech has congratulated the Indian Malankara Orthodox Church on the hundredth anniversary of the establishment of Catholicate in India. The Marthoma Metropolitan stated that the centenary celebrations of the establishment of Catholicate in India are considered to be a historic event in the history of Kerala Christianity. The Metropolitan added that the establishment of the Catholicate of the East reflects the national commitment of the Indian Malankara Orthodox Church, her autocephalous nature and proper insights on the mission of the Church.

During one of the executive council sessions of Orthodoxy Cognate PAGE Society, Mr. George Alexander welcomed the statement made by Dr. Joseph Marthoam Metropolitan and also wished that the Marthoma Church will take their opportunity to rethink and establish an ecumenical dialogue to return back to the mother Indian Malankara Orthodox Church.

The Marthoma Church of Malabar separated from the Indian Malankara Orthodox Church in 1889 under the Anglican influence and believes in Protestant-influenced doctrines. It has a similar outlook and practices like the Indian Malankara Orthodox Church but is in full communion relationship with the Anglican Communion. The headquarters of the Church is located at Thiruvalla in Pathanamthitta District of Kerala in India.

OCP News Service

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    Santhosh Mathew 13 years

    Mr George Alexander welcomed the statement made by Dr Joseph Marthoam Metropolitan and also wished that the Marthoma Church will take their opportunity to rethink and establish ecumenical dialogue to return back to the mother Indian Malankara Orthodox Church. – joke of the Year he he he

    The Marthoma Church of Malabar separated from the Indian Malankara Orthodox Church in 1889 under the Anglican influence and believes in Protestant-influenced doctrines. –  Mar Thoma Church seperated from IMOC in 1889 and the IMOC formed in 1920 Stupendous, marvelous, fantastic, I can’t just express ( their on word, the Catholicose seat established in India just 100 years back. The split was between Patriarch led faction and Mar Thomites) 

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    Santhosh Mathew 13 years

    Mr George Alexander welcomed the statement made by Dr Joseph Marthoam Metropolitan and also wished that the Marthoma Church will take their opportunity to rethink and establish ecumenical dialogue to return back to the mother Indian Malankara Orthodox Church. -Mother IMOC,Mother born after daughter joke of the Year he he he.
    The Marthoma Church of Malabar separated from the Indian Malankara Orthodox Church in 1889 under the Anglican influence and believes in Protestant-influenced doctrines. –  Mar Thoma Church seperated from IMOC in 1889 and the IMOC formed in 1920 Stupendous, marvelous, fantastic, I can’t just express my feelings..and this is the Joke of the Century ( their on word, the Catholicose seat established in India just 100 years back. The split was between Patriarch led faction and Mar Thomites) 

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    By your twisted &  ignorant logic, Marthoma Sabha is older than India. Marthoma church was born in 1889 and India in 1947.  Is this what is taught by your church. At least try to understand what your metropoltian has said . He said ” Dr Joseph Marthoma Metropolitan in his speech has congratulated the Indian Malankara Orthodox Church on the hundredth anniversary of the (re) establishment of Catholicate in India. The Orthodox church became an autocephalous (independent) church with her own Catholicos in 1912. ( not like the duplicate one you see in kerala now a days) For your kind information , the Orthodox church was not formed in 1912 unlike your church which was born in 1889 thanks to your colonial masters…what did they call it …yes….reformation. That is the joke of the Christendom…..Anglican church reforming the Orthodox church . There was  a group of people ready to swallow what has been vomitted by their white masters .Thankfully there were many more who did not accept the white mans’ lies and deceit.

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    By your twisted &  ignorant logic, Marthoma Sabha is older than India. Marthoma church was born in 1889 and India in 1947.  Is this what is taught by your church. At least try to understand what your metropoltian has said . He said ” Dr Joseph Marthoma Metropolitan in his speech has congratulated the Indian Malankara Orthodox Church on the hundredth anniversary of the (re) establishment of Catholicate in India. The Orthodox church became an autocephalous (independent) church with her own Catholicos in 1912. ( not like the duplicate one you see in kerala now a days) For your kind information , the Orthodox church was not formed in 1912 unlike your church which was born in 1889 thanks to your colonial masters…what did they call it …yes….reformation. That is the joke of the Christendom…..Anglican church reforming the Orthodox church . There was  a group of people ready to swallow what has been vomitted by their white masters .Thankfully there were many more who did not accept the white mans’ lies and deceit.

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    Santhosh Mathew 13 years

    By your twisted &  ignorant logic, Marthoma Sabha is older than India. Marthoma church was born in 1889 and India in 1947- so what? the church was born before India, not just India born before many countries in current world. It is not Just a teaching it is true.  Dr Joseph Marthoma Metropolitan in his speech has congratulated the Indian Malankara Orthodox Church on the hundredth anniversary of the (re) establishment of Catholicate in India. The Orthodox church became an autocephalous (independent) church with her own Catholicos in 1912. ( not like the duplicate one you see in kerala now a days) For your kind information – Yes you are correct and I was telling the same thing you become autocephalous in 1912 and before that it was not.  
    the Orthodox church was not formed in 1912  – I never told it, I just told IMOC was formed in 1912 as a result of division in Malankara Church which was under the Patriarch of Antioch and all the east. (If you accept this fact, both the groups can settle the issues)
    And I know there is no use in telling all this, as most  IMOC members are ignorant about the history, let not the history alone the doctrine it self is twisted. For your information there is only few orthodox theology follower in IMOC now, the theology you and many orthodox members follows can be called ortho-catholic or catholic-ortho. e.g. What is the position of Mother Mary in Orthodox theology – Co-Redeemer? Is she born with out sin? Is she a goddess? No she is “daivaprasavithri”, then why so much importance to “ettunombu” than “swargarohanam”? What is the similarity between the theology of romans and orthodox? It is all about money and power. May GOD bless you

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    Santhosh Mathew 13 years

    Last but not Least, the autocephalous status was given to IMOC by a Patriarch (even though jacobites claims that he was not in such power) and this makes it evident that you have been under the See of Antioch and the Fore Fathers of IMOC accepted it, wright? It is like the Freedom gained by India and Hongkong. India got it by struggle (MTC) and Hongkong by mutual understanding or by the Mercy (IMOC)  

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    first of all…. we dont take  history lessons from people like you whose history (theology) is not more than 120 years and who owe their existence to their  white masters . Malankara Church had to come under the Antiochean yoke    to get rid of the protestant  theology and the prevailing  political climate of the colonial India in 19th century ( to defeat the  stooges of the british. the Orthodox  church has been trying to get rid of the  monkey off its shoulder ever since). You agree Orthodox church became autocephalous in 1912 and then contradict yourself by  saying Orthodox church was formed in 1912.  I hope you know the meaning of autocephaly. To give you an analogy….India has a history of over 5000yrs but became independent from the british in 1947 . Similarly  orthodox church in india  has been  in existence since AD 52,  came under roman catholics influence in 1599 after diamper synod, broke  the roman catholic supremacy in 1653 after  the famous coonen kurisu oath, took on the might of  the british and their stooges who formed the marthoma sabha in the 19th century and then finally shook off all the   vestiges of the colonial supremacy of the antiochean church, all the while holding the pride of the indigenous  St.Thomas christians. Every foreign power colonising malankara, dreamt of subjugating the indigenous church. Except Malankara Orthodox  Church none had neither  the will nor the spine to stand against  foreign hegemony. Can you  or your church ever claim to this rich  history except to a history of  sucking up to the white masters . For heaven sake dont  lecture us on Orthodox theology and i dont want lessons from a protestant marthoma  christian whose theology is a joke. I dont want to sound arrogant but its just that i dont have patience to convince you. But since you raised one point about Mother Mary…touched a raw nerve…..we venerate our Lord’s mother unlike you protestants , whose forefathers  venerated Mother Mary until the day british told you not to venerate her… under the guise of reformation . Remember…Angel Gabriel called Mother Mary…”Blessed are thou amongst women”… and mother mary has a special place in our church. Due to your ignorance, you are comparing the roman catholic church and their adoration for mother mary with the orthodox church   veneration –  there is big difference .  And for sure we dont  accept roman catholics version of immaculate conception. Regarding ettu nombu , we fast even though its not a canonical fast. This is one more fast  in the chruch calendar and the faithfuls accepts this. Does the marthoma sabha have any fasts ( Lent ) at all . I will tell about the difference about Catholic church and orthodox church in another post.

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    Please dont be arrogant when talking about churches. The marthoma church’s history and malankara orthodox churches history are the same until both seperated in 1875 or some year near to that. The tradition and history is same for both the churches but when the mtc went ahead to remove the unholy practices they got separated. One thing I felt good about marthoma church other than all other indian and foreign churches is that they were not looking for money or some physical gains, they went ahead to remove all unholy practises , which later influenced all the indian churches later, even though they are hiding that fact, they just wanted to be in communion with God and his son Jesus christ.

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    The so called reformation was a must. Who brought the idols to indian churches? The latin church.

    Why even now the church with a history of 2000(IOC) years still makes the idols of saints which is a practice started only from the invasion of Indian church by the catholics?

    Why are you not able to remove that completely?

    Why all people rush to manarcadu?

    Only to see that photo of Mary holding infant jesus, what is the relevance of a human made picture in your church?
    Why you still practicing auricular confession introduced by the catholic church?
    And you say marthoma church was licking the boots of english men?
    Be ashamed of such comments.

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