OCP Secretariat: Dialogue and Peace in Malankara should be shaped on Orthodox Conciliarity and Trilateral Participation

OCP News Service – 7/8/14

Patriarch Ignatius Aphrem II calls for dialogue & unity with the Indian Orthodox Malankara Church

Catholicos Baselios Thomas I responds to the Call for dialogue between Syriac and Indian Orthodox Churches

Global: The Secretariat of the Orthodoxy Cognate PAGE Society stated that the dialogue between Syriac and Indian Orthodox Churches should be based on Orthodox Conciliarity which will eventually fetch consistent results. The Unity in Conciliarity is the basis of Orthodox Christian ecclesiology.

The most important thing is to revamp the talks sitting beside each other around the same table;  whether it results in the full unification of churches in Malankara or continues in the same communion with autonomy and autocephalous status.

The call by Patriarch Ignatius Aphrem II and response by Catholicos Abune Baselios Thomas I give immense hope to end the age-old schism between two Churches who are in Orthodox communion. The Indian Malankara Orthodox Church has always favored the dialogue with the Syriac Orthodox Church and Catholicos Baselios Marthoma Paulose II has a great urge and willingness to peruse this great mission.

Secretary George said that there shall be no room for any kind of individual power politics in the dialogue. A trilateral approach would be most welcome involving the Syriac Orthodox Church, Indian Orthodox Church and representatives of the sister Oriental Orthodox Churches. Sister Churches in the Oriental communion should take a greater responsibility to help and support both churches in the dialogue.

The schism in Malankara is completely an internal matter of the Oriental Orthodox communion and it should be resolved purely on an inter-orthodox platform.

George Alexander
(Secretary and Spokesperson)

Kisha D Dorado
(Director- Dept of Church Research & Studies)

Prakash Varghese
(Delegate of UAE, Gulf and Levant Region)

Abraham P Koshy
(Director – Dept of Finance)

Varghese John
(Director of Publications)

OCP News Service

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    Abraham John 11 years

    To attain peace, reconciliation and unity
    which is now a dream of the major portion of the faithful in both factions of
    the Church, this protocol to be prepared and approved by the two Holy Synods of
    the Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch (SOCA) and the Malankara Orthodox Syrian
    Church (MOSC).

    Protocol between the Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch (SOCA) and the Malankara
    Orthodox Syrian Church (MOSC)

    1. For the sake of recognition of the hierarchical succession of the Malankara
    Orthodox Syrian Church (MOSC), and in accordance with this protocol, the Syriac
    Orthodox Church of Antioch (SOCA) recognizes the autocephally (independence) of
    the MOSC.

    2. His Holiness, the Patriarch of Antioch and all the East, being the successor
    of St. Peter the Apostle, has the first position of honor, in accordance with
    the Church traditions, and the resolutions of the canonical ecumenical councils
    confessed by the two Churches and also due to the historical links between the
    two Churches, in a manner that does not belittle the independent status of the
    MOSC. (MOSC Constitution Articles 1, 2).

    3. The SOCA belongs to the SEE of SAINT PETER and MOSC belongs to the SEE of
    SAINT THOMAS and confess one Orthodox Doctrine, in mutual Communion and each of
    them having its own independence.

    4. In order to manifest and affirm the spiritual relations between the two
    Churches, HH the Patriarch of Antioch and HH the Catholicos of the East should
    be mentioned in all the Holy Qurbanas. The name of the Patriarch of Antioch to
    be mentioned first.

    5. Each Church has her own Holy Synod to care for her affairs.

    6. To assure the oneness in the Apostolic Orthodox faith and Tradition, a
    general Holy Synod of both Churches is desirable to be convened as and when the
    need arises.

    7. Each Church has the liberty to chose its own Patriarch / Catholicos. But in
    order to manifest the close relations between the two Churches; the other
    Church will send a delegation to attend the election process as guests.

    8. In any future consecration and enthronement of a Patriarch / Catholicos for
    either one of the two Churches, a delegation should be sent from the other
    Church. Patriarch / Catholicos of the other Church should be the Chief
    Celebrant. (Resolution 4 of the Kaphartuto Synod in AD 869 Hudaya Canon 7:1 and
    MOSC Constitution Article 101, 114)

    9. It is desirable that both Churches invite each other to major occasions in
    order to strengthen mutual relations.

    10. In meetings of official dialogues with other confessions, on matters of
    faith, which are not on the level of the Oriental Orthodox Family, each Church
    will invite the other Church to send at least one member of the Holy Synod to
    attend. The two Churches will consult each other on worldwide ecumenical

    11. A permanent joint committee is to be formed out of the members of the two
    Synods to monitor the implementation of this protocol and to promote the
    cooperation of the two Churches in different areas such as:

    a) Exchange of visits of: Patriarchs, Catholicos, Metropolitans, Bishops,
    Priests, Monks, Professors, Students and Deacons should be encouraged.

    b) Theological education.

    c) Christian Education: Sunday schools. Youth and Family programmes.

    d) Social services and Development projects.

    e) Pastoral Care: Both Churches should be given the chance to extend their
    pastoral care to their people in a foreign country.

    12. This protocol once approved by both Holy Synods and signed by the Primates
    of the two Churches, will make any previous agreement and/or protocol between
    the two Churches null and void.

    13. The text of this protocol, being approved by both Holy Synods and signed by
    the Primates of the two Churches, has come into effect and should be publicized
    and circulated to all the dioceses and parishes of both Churches as well to the
    Heads of sister Churches.

    14. Any addition or amendments of this protocol should be discussed and
    approved in the joint meeting of the two Holy Synods.

    15. This protocol has been prepared in the Malayalam, Syriac, Arabic and
    English languages. If misunderstandings arise in matters of interpretation, the
    English version shall prevail.

    The above protocol of 15 articles, together with the introduction, a total of 4
    pages (in the English version), pursuant to article 13 of this protocol, it is
    hereby signed by the Heads of both Churches.

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