Minister of Awqaf Condoles Demise of Patriarch Ignatius Zakak Iwas

Prakash Varghese (OCP Delegate of UAE, Gulf and Levant Region)
OCP News Service – 25/3/14

Beirut: Syrian Minster of Awqaf (Religious Endowments) Mohamed Abdel Sattar visited the Syrian Church headquarters in Bab Touma, Damascus and delivered special message of condolences from President Bashar Al Assad on the demise of the late Patriarch Ignatius Zakka Iwas of Antioch and All East.

The Minister recalled that demise of Patriarch Zakka Iwas was a great loss and he was a symbol of mercy, love as well as Islamic-Christian brotherhood. Abdel said that they have lost a great person who taught people love tolerance and ethics of Jesus Chris and wished that peace be upon the departed soul.

He urged that Syrian people will always stand together against terrorist who kill people, burn Churches and mosques. He also reminded that Syrian people live together as true brothers and the Syriac Orthodox Church has played a vital role in uniting the communities.

He conveyed special condolences of President Bashar Al Assad to the Syriac Orthodox Prelates and faithful.

The Minister also added that Syrians will always stand together and assemble behind President Bashar to defeat terrorists in all manners.

Metropolitan’s Mor Ivanious Paulose, Mor Thimothios Matta AlKhoury, Mor Silvanos Petrus received the Minister in the presence several Christian and Islamic leaders.


OCP News Service

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