Metrpolitan Mar Seraphim uses Facebook for ministry, tackles liturgy of baptism at professionals meet

Liju Cherian
Indian Malankara Orthodox Church 
BENGALURU, India ~ HG Dr Abraham Mar Seraphim, Bengaluru Diocese Metropolitan of Indian Orthodox, who recently completed the four-figure friends list on Facebook is increasingly using the social networking site for pastoral work.
The Metropolitan constantly updates his flock and the Bengaluru youth movement through the Fellowship for Orthodox Professionals in Bangalore Region (
At a  recent Fellowship for Orthodox Professionals held on April 28 at Hosur Cathedral Church, Dr Mar Seraphim held an interesting session of Holy Baptism.
Few days prior to the meeting, the young shepherd posted on Facebook: “I have noticed that many of our young couples bring their small children for baptism, but do not know what to do during the baptism service. Many of them do not understand the liturgy of baptism. So it is an opportunity for our youngsters in general to learn about the liturgy of Holy Baptism. Please come and encourage your friends to participate. It will be good, if you can talk to your Vicar and announce it in your parishes. May God bless you all.”
Such comforting and assuring words from a Metropolitan will definitely inspire many Orthodox youngsters to attend the sessions and learn from it. The Metropolitan has so far held 5 interactive sessions on Holy Eucharist that began last year. The popularity of the classes have led the organisers to find ways and means to conduct virtual class room sessions. His Grace feels that large numbers must attend these meetings in future with their Orthodox friends.
The fellowship meetings of the Orthodox Professionals are gaining momentum. Most of the sessions have seen remarkably decent gathering with excellent question and answer sessions. The fellowship has provided a platform for all professionals in the church to come together and spend quality time in the name of Christ. The 90-minute meetings are usually scheduled once in 2 months and the schedules are published almost a month in advance on Facebook.
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