Metropolitan JONAH of All America and Canada arrives in Russia for his first official Primatial visit to the Russian Orthodox Church

Metropolitan JONAH of All America and Canada arrives in Russia for his first official Primatial visit to the Russian Orthodox Church

On Bright Saturday, April 25, 2009, His Beatitude, the Most Blessed Metropolitan JONAH of All America and Canada arrived at Moscow’s Sheremetovo International Airport where he was met by His Eminence, Archbishop HILARION of Volokolamsk and Chairman of the Department of External Church Relations of the Russian Orthodox Church together with Bishop ALEKSANDR of Dmitrov, Patriarchal Vicar Bishop, Archimandrite Zacchaeus, Representative of the Orthodox Church in America to the Moscow Patriarchate, and Archpriest Nicholas Balashov the Deputy Chairman of the Department of External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate.

After being met at the airport, His Beatitude departed to St. Catherine the Great Martyr Church – the Moscow Representation of the Orthodox Church in America where he led the clergy and laity in the last Paschal Procession for Bright Week and then distributed the blessed Artos to the faithful gathered. Archimandrite Zacchaeus welcomed His Beatitude to St. Catherine the Great Martyr Church and stressed the importance of this first visit of the newly enthroned Primate of the Orthodox Church in America to the Russian Orthodox Church which will help build relations between the two Autocephalous Churches. Likewise, Father Zacchaeus thanked His Beatitude for his sincere desire to lead the community in beginning the year-long celebration of the 15th Anniversary since the founding of the OCA Representation in Moscow which will officially begin with His Beatitude’s leading the Divine Liturgy on May 2nd and concluding on the Parish Patronal Feast Day on
December 7, 2009 . In turn, His Beatitude thanked Archimandrite Zacchaeus for his warm welcome and stated that he is very glad to be able to visit the OCA Representation and see with his own eyes the good work being accomplished there.

Afterwards, His Beatitude gave an interview to Russian State Television Channel 1 as well as for “Voice of America” which was organized by the Moscow Representation of the Orthodox Church in America .
Also accompanying His Beatitude were: Archpriest Alexander Garklavs, OCA Chancellor; Archpriest Leonid Kishkovsky; Archdeacon Kirill Sokolov; and Novice Gregory (Stevens). His Eminence, Archbishop SERAPHIM of Ottawa and Canada, the Chairman of the Department of External Affairs and Interchurch Relations of the Orthodox Church in America will be arriving later the same day and be included in the official delegation to the Russian Orthodox Church.


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