Met. Athanasios of Lemesou (Cyprus) Speaks Out of Upcoming Visit of Pope to Cyprus

Metropolitan Athanasios of Lemesou


In an interview published on, May 23, 2010 in the Cypriot Newspaper “Phileleftheros” the Metropolitan distances himself from the Archbishop’s decision to host the Pope in Cyprus.

The following are excerpts from the interview:

“For us Orthodox, the Pope is a heretic, outside of the Church, and, hence, not even a bishop”.

“He [the Pope] has been outside of the Church for ten centuries now, he is not a canonical bishop, he has no relation whatsoever to the reality of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church of Christ. It is one thing to receive him as a canonical bishop and quite another to speak to him as [being] a heterodox in order to reveal to him the truth of the Orthodox Faith and Tradition.”

Click here to read the full Interview

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    what a nonsense is speaking this bishop. His mind does not conform with achristian one. He thinks like a radical muslem very narrowminded. Is the Holy Spirit in him? I do doubt.

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    Romanos 14 years

    Non-sense? On what matter the good Bishop talks of non-sense?

    Mr. Oscar, what makes a Christian really a Christian today… moved by secular discussion? secular love? secular dialogue? when does the Church of our Lord became an institution? of human organization? we failed as true witness of Christ today because we failed to tell the truth… the words of the Bishop are simple facts tha we as followers of the True Church ignore and became complacent of false ecumenism… there is no fanaticism or radicalism on the statement of the good Bishop… as what He said, He is just following what was entrusted on Him during His elevation and consecration as a canonical Orthodox Bishop… how about your Bishop Mr. Oscar what does he follow? who dos he olow? what was entrusted on him? False Ecumenism is the game of uncanonical and pseudo bishops loke the Pope of Rome… at least try to open one part of your eye Mr. Oscar and face on the mirror and ask yourself if your belief makes sense. Kyrie Eleison!

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    Edgar 14 years

    Church canon law is VERY clear on this issue: public prayer with the Pope by the Archbishop would be automatic anathema for the Archbishop and others involved. The Metropolitan is sound in his condemnation of the visit. What’s next? Inviting Tom Cruise and the “Church” of Scientology to Cyprus?

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    So Mr. Romanos accordig to you yourself and your bishop are right (you have the TRUTH) whereas Patriarc Bartolomew is wrong and many others whith him because he speaks and embrases the pope bishop of Rome? I just remind you what we read in act.5, 38b-39 ” if this interpise, this movement of theirs is of human origin it will break up of its own accord.But if it does in fact come from God you will be unable to destory them. TAKE CARE NOT TO FIND YOURSELVES FIGHTING AGAINST GOD..”.

    The only enemes that we have and we should be againt are the devil, securalim and islam.

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    Romanos 14 years

    Mr. Oscar… with due respect with the bible passage you quote, it seems that you have misinterpreted and misused the said passage with regards to this issue… nd I would not touch on that passage because its irrelevant… nonetheless since you mentioned that division is not of God then it must be answered who seperated from the body of Christ…? History tells us and until now, the claims of the Pope of Rome as being the universal head which is contrary to the Gospel and teachings of the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Church… was it not the unfounded claims of the Bishop of Rome and her innovated teachings led for her seperation? for the division? Was it not the recent statements from the current pope that the rest of he Churches are not true church and only the Roman Catholic Church is the true Church made another division and reaction from various ancient churches?… just asking… Kryie Eleison!

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    Dear Mr. romanos. please, please do not say that the passage taken from the IRRELEVANT. The holy God`s word never is irrelevant for us. It speaks always.I think we shoud pay atention to the signs through which God is speaking NOW in our days.
    Any way. Long live to Patriarc Bartholomew .

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