Liturgy Served at the Renovated Church of St. George the Victorious in the town of Dupnitsa – Bulgaria

Liturgy Served at the Renovated Church of St. George the Victorious in the town of Dupnitsa – Bulgaria

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OCP News Service – 29/03/21

Sofia-Bulgaria: Divine Liturgy was celebrated at the church of St. George in Dupnitsa after renovation on 28/3/21. The Liturgy was presided over by His Eminence Bishop Polycarp of Belogradchik, Vicar of the Metropolitanate of Sofia. The Liturgy was concelebrated with Archimandrite Euthymius, Georgi Palikarski, Deputy Hierarch of the Dupnitsa Spiritual District and other prelates.

The choir for the morning and the holy Basil’s liturgy was attended by priest Ioan Handjiiski, priest Dobri Dobrev, priest Petar Ochkov and local church singers, and many Christians had filled the church, participating in their prayers.

The consecration ceremony of the renovated Church also took place during the Liturgical service. Several faithful and clergy took part in the ceremony.

OCP News Service

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