Let The Lord Quell Fears of Traveling with Disability

Let The Lord Quell Fears of Traveling with Disability

Cassie Steele – OCP News Service – 29/4/19

Under the love and luminescence of Christ’s guidance, no journey is too grand. While the notion of traveling may appear arduous or taxing to those with physical disabilities, such fears should not deter one from finding solace and divinity within the world the Good Lord has created. As the apostles traversed far and wide to spread the message of God, knowing the trials and dangers which awaited them in such tempestuous lands, we must find security knowing the Lord’s direction is fit for us.

Find comfort in the support of your brothers and sisters, as prior division have only reinforced the need for unity and understanding among members of the church. Take these following words as reassurance that Christ’s children are present across all parts of this beautiful world, thus there is no need to shy away from requiring assistance or enjoying the splendor of this life.

Make Yourself Known

As Joseph displayed courtesy when seeking safety for Mary and the soon to be birthed Son of God, it’s proper to inform hosts to the nature of one’s disability. Most service providers are required by law to accommodate travelers with special needs; however, preliminary notification is necessary when securing particular arrangements. Also, practice clarity when divulging the truth to one’s condition; obscured language can pose a challenge to your host’s ability to fulfill their accommodating duties. Confident in the Words of the Lord and his Discourse, the vocation for one’s travels must be considered. Thus, finding a destination for one’s travels should embody both the eminence of Christ and his virtuous compassion.

Among the Animals

Ordered by the Lord’s will to live in the service of man, animals serve as a symbol for the love and kinship which God provides for us in this life. Enjoy an engagement with the wildlife and countless creatures birthed onto this gorgeous world which the Lord has molded. From the vast expanses of the Galapagos to Antarctica, the Lord’s sanctioned kinship between man and animal should be cherished in the name of his supreme love and divinity for all living creatures. Christ, born among cattle within a humble manager and friend of fisherman, was never a stranger to the affection of gentle beasts. As depicted in the Gospel of Mark (1.13), during Christ’s righteous deflection of Satan’s temptations, “Wild animals were there also, but angels came and helped him”. It is our duty as children of Christ to uphold his teachings and affinity for the Ways of the Lord. Prioritizing the presence of versatile wildlife in one’s trip is a fantastic way to incorporate the practice and spirituality of your faith into a boundless journey.

Go forward with this information and enjoy the effulgent nature God has gifted to us. Dress in attire which is both appropriate for your chosen terrain of travel, as well as your continuous expression and spread of the Lord’s benevolence. May you carry on knowing the Lord’s peace and his infallible guidance.

Cassie Steele – OCP News Service

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