Indonesian Orthodox Church extends Helping Hand to the Victims of Merapi Mountain Explosion

The Indonesian Orthodox Church(Ecumenical Patriarchate)


Fr Yohanes Bambang Reporting From Indonesia

The Email Sent to OCP Secretary and Spokesperson Mr George Alexander

Dear Our Beloved Brother in Christ :
Mr.George Alexander

Greeting in The name of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Through email, we would like to inform you,that we just came from the victims of Merapi Mountain Explosion along with bringing a small help to relief their suffering

But base on what we saw. thousands of people still need our help to relief their suffering and burden of their life because of the event of Merapi Mountain explosion.

The need that we knew is : Sugar,noodle, rices, underpants of women and men, Pampers for the children, napkin and milks.

Therefore here We knock your heart seriously to help their suffering and burden, so that their suffering can be minimized so that they are not thinking how to eat and to dress, because all what they had,has been left in their house, and for while their house can not be placed it, until everything is safe

Finally, we are waiting your answer and helping seriously, so that you can help them as soon as possible and we can bring your help come safely to the ones who need your help, God be with all of us,Amen.


Your Brother In Christ
Fr. Yohanes Bambang
Cahyo Wicaksono
Indonesian Orthodox Church (Ecumenical Patriarchate)

OCP news Service

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