The Patriarchate of Jerusalem – 16/10/17
His Beatitude our Father and Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos visited the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Fanar from Tuesday 27th September/10th October to Wednesday 28th September/11th October 2017, escorted by Geronda Secretary General Most Reverend Archbishop Aristarchos of Constantina and Archdeacon Mark.
Upon their arrival at the airport of Constantinople, He was welcomed by the Most Reverend Metropolitan Gennadios of Sassima of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, and the Patriarchal Commissioner of the Jerusalem Patriarchate in Constantinople Archbishop Nectarios of Anthedona. At noon, the All-holy Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew offered a meal on His Beatitude’s honour.
At noon on Wednesday 28th September/12th October 2017, His Beatitude the Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos visited the All-holy Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew at Fanar.
On this meeting, His Beatitude the Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos briefed His All-holiness on the existing most difficult situation that has been created to the Jerusalem Patriarchate and the other Christian Churches of Jerusalem by the recent decision of the Israeli Court, which gives effect to the illegal contracts of the Jerusalem Patriarchate hotels in Jaffa Gate, to the Settlers of the Ateret Kohanim company, and asked the support of the Ecumenical Patriarchate for the appeal against this Court decision and the non-effectiveness of the aforementioned contracts.
The Ecumenical Patriarch gave heed to His Beatitude’s words with great interest and expressed His full support for the solution of this problem of Jerusalem Patriarchate, which relates to all Christians of the Holy Land, and the keeping of the existing Status Quo of the Old City of Jerusalem regarding the borders among the Christian Quarter, Armenian Quarter, Jewish Quarter and Moslem Quarter, which have been set up for centuries.
After this meeting, His Beatitude and His Entourage were offered a meal at the Refectory of the Ecumenical Patriarch.
In the evening of the same day, His Beatitude the Patriarch of Jerusalem was escorted to the airport by the Most Reverend Metropolitan Theoleptos of Ikonion and Archdeacon Theodore, and departed to Tel Aviv by the Turkish Airlines.
From Secretariat-General