Gifts For The Military Priests

On 13 December 2012, His Beatitude Daniel, Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church offered the military priests of the Archdiocese of Bucharest a set of priestly vestments. The event took place in “Europa Christiana” hall of the Patriarchate Palace.

“We wanted to encourage you with a cassock, at the season’s feasts, as a remembrance and appreciation of the activity you develop. We wish you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and much help of God in all your activity and, certainly, to your families. We pray God to bless your families and all those you work with, officers, militaries, in general, so that we may convey the blessing of God to the place where you work and bring hope in a world with weakened hope and joy”, said His Beatitude as Trinitas TV informs us.

The Archdiocese of Bucharest has 22 military priests employed in 19 military units.

“I am sure that the people from the military units appreciate the gift Your Beatitude offer us, as it should be, because you entrusted us a mandate not only to do Christian mission in the military space, but you also offer us the clothes we must wear as servants of God with them. Thus, we kindly ask you, Your Beatitude, to allow us to thank you for your fatherly care, good will, support, good understanding and appreciation you have and show us during the pastoral missionary activity we develop in the Archdiocese of Bucharest.

The military priests received on the occasion the Pastoral letter at the Nativity of the Lord, calendars and the brochure of the religious service celebrated at the turn of the year.



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