Feast of Tiarn’ndaraj held at the Armenian Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem

Feast of Tiarn’ndaraj held at the Armenian Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem


Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem – 3/3/18

The celebration of the Feast of Tiarn’ndaraj (or Trndez) with evening prayer and a large bonfire in the yard behind the Seminary was held at the Armenian Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem on 26/2/18.

The feast marks the presentation of Christ in the Temple, 40 days after His birth and the feast of purification. According to Old Testament law, a mother has to go to the Temple to bring a sacrifice for purification 40 days after childbirth.

The Gospel of St. Luke tells us that Virgin Mary went with St. Joseph to the Temple in Jerusalem for this purification ritual after childbirth. In the Temple, the righteous St. Simeon and the Prophetess St. Anna understood that this little child was the promised Saviour, and thanked God.

The Gospel of St. Luke tells us St. Simeon praised God with these words:
“Now you are letting your servant go in peace, O Lord, as you have said, for my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have made ready before the face of all nations; A light of revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of your people Israel.”



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