Eparchial Assembly of the Archdiocese of Bucharest at the Patriarchal Residence

On 1 February 2014, His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel chaired the annual session of the annual meeting of the Eparchial Assembly of the Archdiocese of Bucharest in the Holy Synod Hall of the Patriarchal Residence. His Grace Varlaam Ploiesteanul, Assistant Bishop to the Patriarch attended the event.

The meeting was preceded by the Te Deum celebrated in the Patriarchal Cathedral by His Grace Varsanufie Prahoveanul, Assistant Bishop to the Archdiocese of Bucharest, assisted by a group of priests and deacons, in the presence of the members of the Eparchial Assembly.

To start with the session, the Patriarch of Romania made a brief presentation of the activity of the Archdiocese in 2013: “We remember some of the pastoral administrative and patrimonial activities of the Archdiocese of Bucharest in 2013: setting up of four parishes, consecration of five churches, blessing with holy water of four other places of worship, some of them re-consecrated after finishing the consolidation, restoration and renovation works. We can also add laying of the foundation stone to a church and a cemetery chapel, construction works to 48 churches and 5 chapels continued, consolidation and restoration works to 34 churches and 196 churches with new or renovated painting. As for the cultural missionary activity the Archdiocese of Bucharest unfolded in 2013, the “Cuvantul vietii” publishing house of the Metropolitanate of Muntenia and Dobrudgea published several brochures, leaflets, and calendars. In 2013, the Archdiocese of Bucharest organised several events with cultural missionary character: the pilgrimage dedicated to the Entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem, Way of the Saints pilgrimage; the contest dedicated to Father Dumitru Staniloae – 110 years since birth and 20 since his passing a way; Praise the Lord contest; Filacalic Nights series of conferences; National symposium entitled “Christ shared with the children”; special cultural-artistic programme entitled “Saint Nicholas in the middle of the children”, His Beatitude said.

Then, the activity of the Eparchy unfolded last year in commissions was analysed and estimated. Afterwards, the commissions’ reports on the activity of the Archdiocese in 2013 were submitted for approval and the priorities for 2014 were established.

To end with, the Patriarch of Romania awarded the Order of Saint Andrew the Apostle – Protector of Romania to Rev Dinu Pompiliu and Rev Vasile Dumitru. According to articles 90 – 94 of the Statutes for the organisation and functioning of the Romanian Orthodox Church, the Eparchial Assembly is the deliberative body for all the administrative, cultural, social-philanthropic, economical and patrimonial issues of the eparchy made up of 30 representatives of the clergy and of the laic faithful (10 priests and 20 laics) elected for 4 years time.



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