Ecumenical Patriarch Addresses Chicago Clergy-Laity Assembly Live Via Skype


To the surprise of gathered participants, His All-Holiness Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople personally addressed the combined Clergy-Laity Assembly and Philoptochos Conference of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Chicago live through video conference (skype).

Greek Orthodox Christians from throughout the 59 parishes of the Metropolis of Chicago were able to receive the blessings of His All-Holiness, and to extend their prayers for health and continued success in ministry.

This is the first time the Ecumenical Patriarch has used this method of communication to address his spiritual children as a metropolis Assembly in the United States. The theme of the Assembly was “Orthodox Christianity in the Contemporary World”, and Metropolis Chancellor, Bishop Demetrios of Mokissos, noted that this advance in communication was just another example of innovation to advance the Ministry of the Church.

His All-Holiness added,” we are able to behold the presence of Christ in the face of every human being and discern the trace of Christ in all of creation. Christ, is, indeed in the contemporary world and in our midst”.

Wishing the Clergy-Laity and Philoptochos Conference every success, Ecumenical Patriarch emphasized the need to “never forget to respond to the needs of our neighbor, especially during these difficult times in the global world. The Church always becomes the Church, when it identifies with the most vulnerable”.

Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America with His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios and Executive Committees of the Archdiocesan Council and of Leadership 100 are scheduled to visit Phanar in order to attend events, dinners and the concert of Alkistis Protopsalti in Athens. The departure date is scheduled for the 19th of October.


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