Deposing Wreath of Flowers at the Martyrs Square – Zaydal

Syriac Orthodox Patriarchate – May 2016

After the Holy Qurobo on the occasion of St. Georges Dat, His Holiness Patriarch Mor Ignatius Aphrem II and His Beatitude Syriac Catholic Patriarch Mor Ignatius Youssef III Younan deposed wreaths of flowers on the monument dedicated for the martyrs in Syria at the Martyrs Square in Zaydal.

The ceremony began with a performance of the Syriac Orthodox Scouts as well as a walk from St. Georges Church to the Square.

The ceremony was also attended by His Eminence Mor Selwanos Boutros Al-Nehmeh, Archbishop of Homs, Hama and Environs, and His Grace Bishop Mor George Kourieh, Dean of Mor Aphrem Theological Seminary in Maarat Saydnaya as well as their Excellencies the Archbishops of the Syriac Catholic Church and clergy from both churches.

Crowds of faithful attended this ceremony.

Upon deposing the wreaths, His Holiness and His Beatitude prayed the special service of the martyrs for the reposing of the souls of all martyrs.


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