Catholicos of the East Baselios Mar Thoma Paulose II to Meet Pope Francis of Rome – Exclusive


OCP News Service

Biography of the Catholicos:

Official Website Of the Indian Malankara Orthodox Church

India/Vatican: Reports from different sources say that His Holiness Baselios Mar Thoma Paulose II , Catholicos of the Apostolic Throne of St Thomas and Metropolitan of Malankara will meet Pope Francis on the 5th of September 2013.  A high Church delegation will accompany the Primate to Vatican. Catholicos of the East is the traditional successor to the Apostolic Throne of St Thomas who resides at Kottayam located at the South Indian State of Kerala. The Indian Malankara Church was founded by the Apostle during A D 52- 54.

Programme Schedule

On 4th afternoon the Indian Orthodox delegation will meet cardinal Gregory Cucco (Ecumenical Committee Chairman of Vatican), then visit of St Peters Basilica  followed by dinner.

On 5th at 11 am Catholicos and the delegation will meet Pope Francis. Catholicos will introduce the Indian Church delegation, followed by a short speech from the Pope.
On 5th evening at 6 pm the Indian Orthodox delegation will meet sister Orthodox members at Domus Santa MAarte at Vatican.
It has been reported that photography may not be allowed due to security and diplomatic concerns.
OCP News Service
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    […] It has been reported that photography may not be allowed due to security and diplomatic concerns. Source ഇവിടെ കൊടുക്കുന്ന അഭിപ്രയങ്ങള്‍ […]

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    Babu Paulose 12 years

    This meeting is not for the Reunion or merging of the churches as our church Malankara Orhodox Church is an independent church, This is a bilateral dialogue to discuss with the pope about the catching the goats from the church by giving money, jobs etc by the malankara reeth.

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    Dr. Abraham Ittyachen. M 12 years

    A long long time ago when our lord Jesus Christ send his beloved disciple St. Thomas to our forefathers he did it with a vision; that the church he founded may remain independent. Centuries later after many trials and tribulations no force on earth, colonial powers or kingly powers, catholics or protestants have been able to destroy our church again giving credence to the vision of our lord that this church may remain independent and pursue the one and true orthodox faith. While churches in the west are in decline we strive to uphold the true christian faith. While in the west people fight for gay marriages we fight to uphold christian values. In the catholic heartland of Europe falling church attendance, empty monasteries and nunneries have all precipitated a crisis for the catholic church. This is not to mention the bankruptcy which parishes all across America are facing in view of the numerous sex scandals. The story is not much different with protestant churches;splits and further splits have virtually driven the church to near extinction. Amidst all this there is still hope for the christian faith; the grand resurgence of the orthodox church all across the eastern Europe. Catholics and Protestants alike before pursuing their agenda of ‘sheep stealing’ should for a moment pause and remember the great saying of our lord, “why do you look for that speck of dust in your neighbour’s eyes when can’t you see that there is a stone in your own eyes?” First set your house in order. In the kingdom of the most high it is not might and money that triumphs it is truth alone that triumphs.

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    martin 11 years

    a brother refugee called mina sobhy in very hard times in egypt . let us pray for him

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    martin 11 years

    egyptian intelligence tried to kill mina sobhy by attack left harm results . this man struggle against fanatic and persecution years ago .

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    george 11 years

    the persecution in egypt become incredible and there is a person who was in turkey “mina
    sobhy” was attacked by security and soldiers guard church in benha with no cooperation from hospitals there and from cairo university hospital . many saw this crime which reffered to fanatic in egypt .

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    Abraham Mathews 11 years

    Its a friendly visit between brothers. Though the activities of Malankara Catholic rite in India which is of adverse effects may also be discussed.

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