Catholicos Baselios Thomas I responds to the Call for dialogue between Syriac and Indian Orthodox Churches

His Beatitude Baselios Thomas I – Catholicos & Maphriyano -Metropolitan Trustee of the Syriac Orthodox Church in India
Ajesh T Phillip (OCP Delegate of Indian Sub-Continent)
OCP News Service – 8/6/14
India/Kerala/Ernakulum: Primate of the Syriac Orthodox Church in India, Abune Baselios of Thomas I (Catholicos –Maphriyano & Metropolitan Trustee) has responded to the call by Patriarch Ignatius Aphrem II of Antioch and All East to begin dialogue with the Indian Orthodox Malankara Church.
Catholicos Baselios Thomas I stated that his church will response positively to the call for dialogue provided there is any sort of official statement from the Indian Orthodox Church regarding the same. He said that there already exists a dialogue committee that was formed during the reign of late lamented Patriarch Ignatius Zakka Iwas of Anthioch and All East. The Syriac Orthodox Church India expects official response from the Indian Orthodox Church which may result in positive dialogue and shall benefit both parties.
He also added that Patriarch Aphrem II has called for revamping the dialogue for peace with the Indian Orthodox Church, but did not specify any move for amalgamation. If necessary a special committee should be constituted with approval of the Holy Synod to revamp the dialogue.
OCP News Service
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