American Coptic Association letter to Hillary Clinton


Your Excellency Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton,
U.S. State Department, Washington D.C.
Dear Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton:

We would like to inform you that as soon as you expressed your satisfaction with the performance of The Supreme Egyptian Military Counsel, the army forces on October 9th 2011, fired live ammunition at the armless demonstrating.

Christians and used their tanks and armored vehicles to crush others. A total of more than forty were killed and more than 350 were seriously injured. They arrested 28 Christian demonstrators randomly! The Egyptian TV “Al-Nile” falsified the facts and encouraged Muslims to Kill Christians when it kept spreading its lies that Christians attacked the army! The plot to ethnic cleansing of the Christians is now in effect. As it was previously announced by a member of that counsel, Mr. Elreery, all the Counsel members are Salafi Muslims. So you can see that Egypt has been penetrated by the Wahhabi regime and minorities can’t survive under this type of government. In spite of all the sincere advices to our administration, we were shocked with the official state declaration welcoming radicals’ anti- (Justice, Equality and Liberty) to Rule Arabic and Middle Eastern countries, and they are continuing to do so! We do not need Egypt to become another Iran! Allowing Muslim brotherhood Group to control Egypt will definitely lead to the ultimate destruction of freedom and democracy not only in Egypt but all over the Arab countries and will spread to the rest of the world! Yesterday, the Canadian Parliament was brave enough to announce that the Criminals should be brought the tribunal trials and took the case to the UN. So, where is America, the Citadel of Justice, freedom and Human rights protection?

We, the Copts (Christians of Egypt) love our Nation America and care about our persecuted people in Egypt. We need your support to protect Copts as Egypt is changing – unfortunately – for the worse. Your Excellency offered financial support to assist Egypt’s democratic transition. For the benefit of USA, Egypt and the whole world, we need Egypt to become a secular and democratic state based on the principles of genuine citizenship, liberalism and religious freedom. As we know that the Muslim brotherhood Group is using (Takia) which is lying for the benefit of their goals which are Islamization and applying the Sharia Law not only in Egypt but all over the Arab countries and the rest of the world! We should not be fooled by their false situation changes to claim adoption of democracy as how can we believe evils’ innocence! Evil flourishes when courageous men and women become bystanders. Lies spread when the informed become silent. Society deteriorates when apathy replaces activism. Tyranny triumphs when leaders become mediocre and haters become organized. The last thing we want is that group to come and turn Egypt into a theocracy.

As long as the second article of the Egyptian Constitution is going to stay, non-Muslims cannot live safely! The second article of the constitution which states “Islam is the religion of the state and Islamic jurisprudence is the principal source of Legislation”

Your Excellency, you mentioned before that the administration has been engaged in “limited contacts” with the Islamist political movement. You may think that you are going to convert the dogma of Muslim Brotherhood and their ideology and so dissuade them from their everlasting hate to Jews and Christians and continuous efforts in applying Sharia laws internationally! Rabbi Marvin Hier said, in comments to The Jerusalem Post. “The Muslim Brotherhood has not categorically renounced violence towards Israel,” he continued, and pointed to a statement made in June by the organization’s head in Egypt, Mohammed Badie. Former Israeli ambassador to Egypt, Zvi Mazel, also criticized the US administration for their announcement. Muslim Brotherhood Leaders continue to make very extremist statements, he told the Jerusalem Post on Sunday, citing the recent call of prominent Muslim Brotherhood leader Sheikh Hazim Abu Ismael for the imposition of the Jizya, an Islamic poll tax for certain non-Muslim Citizens of an Islamic State, on the Coptic Christian community in Egypt.

It is indeed alarming to see violations that have persisted since the early 1970’s, spreading now – much stronger – all over Egypt, with no practical measures to protect the Coptic minority and assure social peace. The judicial system failed to establish justice as none of the killers of the innocent, armless, harmless and loyal Christian victims was properly indicted. At all times, the criminals found their way to escape justice through the bias of the discriminating system. Copts fear for their lives and feel that they are second class citizens in their mother land Egypt that used to be called “The Paradise of the world.” To Copts, it became a real Hill full of injustice, disrespect, daily humiliations and poisoned atmosphere. This became worse and more devastating after Al-Kosheh massacre where twenty one Christians were killed by the fanatic Muslims in collaboration with the security forces in the first day of the year 2000. What is more shameful is the unjust justice that was definitely aborted as the criminals escaped it. Christian Churches are destroyed and burnt in Alexandria, Atfeeh, Moqattam, Omraniah & Imbaba of Cairo, Menyah, Assiut, Qena and all over Egypt. The Government could only arrest Christians from these churches, the streets or homes and try them unjustly in Military Courts while the aggressors would not be captured! Abduction and forcing the Islamization of under-aged girls results in punishing their families whenever they ask for their daughters while the criminals are rewarded financially by the Wahhabi regimes of Saudi Arabia and other nations together with all Islamic Jihadist groups of Salafies under the real big Umbrella of the Brotherhood group.

You know very well that the second article of the Egyptian Constitution provides a conflict with the first article of the Constitution (about citizenship). It is also inconsistent with all the articles in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, for example, Article 6, which states that (Everyone has the right to recognition before the legal system), and Article 7, which states (All people are equal before the law and are entitled to the enjoyment of equal protection without any discrimination, and provide all of them the right to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination). Also Article 18 which provides (each person has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, this right includes freedom to change religion or belief, and freedom to express belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance, whether in secret or with the group), as well as Article 19, which states (each person has the right to freedom of opinion and expression, this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference, and impart information and ideas, receive and impart any media and regardless of frontiers). A planned destruction to America is going on.

The Muslim Brotherhood (MB’s) is deadly serious about waging what it calls “civilization jihad” against the United States and other freedom-loving nations in order to secure their submission to the Islamic totalitarian political-military-legal doctrine called Sharia. The MB’s goal in this country is to replace our great Constitution with theirs, namely the Koran. And they regard this task as one commanded by none other than Allah. (For more details on the nature, ambitions and modus operandi of the Ikhwan, see the Team B II Report, Shariah: The Threat to America). To this end, as Andy McCarthy notes in the aforementioned essay, the MB’s senior official, Supreme Guide Muhammad Badi, has effectively declared war on the United States. Dr. Michael Rubin of the American Enterprise Institute wrote in a posting at The American blog recently: “Rather than embrace the Brotherhood, Obama administration should be seeking to ensure that the group cannot dominate Egypt. Most analysts agree that the Muslim Brotherhood is by far the best organized group in Egypt, but that it only enjoys perhaps 25 or 30 percent support. The secular opposition remains weak and fractured. If Obama administration wishes to remain engaged in Egypt’s future and shape the best possible outcome for both U.S. national security and the Egyptian people, it should be pushing for electoral reform to change the present Egypt’s dysfunctional system to a proportional representation model in which the secular majority can form a coalition to check a Muslim Brotherhood minority for which true democracy is anathema. An expert in Islamic groups, Ammar Ali Hassan, cited by Associated Press said: ” Brotherhood will not have to worry [about] moving forward toward taking over power.” Unfortunately, the U.S. government’s outreach to the Ikhwan is not confined to Egypt but is systematically practiced inside the United States, as well. The absolutely predictable effect will be to undermine U.S. interests and allies in the Middle East and further catalyze the Brotherhood’s campaign to insinuate Sharia in the United States and, ultimately, to supplant the Constitution with Islamic law. Consequently, many Americans think that Obama administration’s efforts to “engage” the Muslim Brotherhood are not just reckless. They are wholly incompatible with the President’s oath to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States” and the similar commitment made by his subordinates. The brotherhood has the destruction of the United States, Israel, Middle East Christians and all other parts of the Free World as its explicit objective. This is cited from Act for America’s publications.

Since America was born, each generation of Americans has been called to stand up as a beacon of light to the world, to fight evil and spread justice. We’ve had to fight evil and injustice abroad, as we did in World War II, and at home, as we did in the Civil War. The Lord commanded us in Proverbs 31:8-9 saying “Speak up for those who can’t speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the right of the poor and needy” We are forced to appeal to the International Community for the protection of Egypt’s Christians before they become a past history!

It is time to throw political correctness on to the ash heap of history. It is time to silence those who see nothing good in America and who claim, dishonestly and falsely, that America is the source of all the world’s ills. It is time to stand together united as ONE against the evil of radical Islam—not as African-Americans, Coptic-Americans, Lebanese-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, Chinese-Americans, Italian-Americans—but as Americans!!!

We have been blessed so generously by this country, to whom much is given and much is required. Each one of us is an instrument of change with history as our final judge. As important as all other causes are, if we lose our freedom to tyrants or our lives to terrorists all other causes will not matter. May we go forth into our nation renewed with passion, with determination to defend our country and values, so we may be worthy of walking in our forefathers’ footsteps and deserving of the honor of serving and preserving our nation for our future generations.
We request that you lead the world in providing all means of International protection of Egypt’s Christians and to stop further massacres and the escalation of the Brotherhood power. Also, removal or changing the second article of the constitution which is acting as a sword directed to the necks of Non-Muslims. We request the drafting of an Egyptian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, enshrined in the Constitution, where rights of women, minorities, children and the disabled are guaranteed in accordance with the international bill of rights. The constitution should be made before any parliament elections to decide the type of government and President beside giving chances to the new political parties to be at the level of competition with the Brotherhood’s party and so allowing all citizens to be represented. We demand that your aid to Egypt should be conditioned on the justice towards Christians and minorities. The Egyptian government should allow all churches that they closed to be re-opened, immediately release the 28 innocent Christian demonstrators. They should compensate the Maspiro victims as the January 25th victims. We request your support for the Tribunal trial of all the aggressors, Tantawy, Sharaf, Governor of Aswan and the Media Minister.

What we are facing today is a Crime against not only the Christian minority in Egypt, but against Humanity, against all what United States stand for, against the constitution that the founders of America have shed their blood for. We appreciate your speaking for those who cannot speak for themselves and defending those who cannot defend themselves, the Christians of Egypt who are facing persecution, impending massacres and ethnic cleansing. God bless you. God bless America.

Respectfully Yours;
Monir A. Dawoud, President.

Monir A. Dawoud, MD
Monir A. Dawoud, MD, FACS, FRCS, General & Vascular Surgeon.
President of the International Christian Union,
President of the American Coptic association,
President of LEVANT (Previously, the Arab American Physician Foundation), and
Board of Trustees Member, of the Egyptian Union of Human Rights Organization (EUHR) and,
CEO of (EUHR and the only Representative in USA.

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