Al-Azhar asks Coptic Church to denounce US religious discrimination Claims


Al-Azhar attempted to persuade Egypt’s Coptic Church on Thursday to rebuff a US report claiming that Christians in Egypt were discriminated against.

The Coptic Church had–for the first time–welcomed an annual US report on religious freedoms, saying there was indeed discrimination against Christians in Egypt. The Church held the government responsible for the report’s conclusions, since it had ignored previous criticisms.

The Egyptian Foreign Ministry, for its part, rejected the report, saying that Washington had no right to assess religious freedoms in the country.

The Islamic Research Academy, which is affiliated with Al-Azhar, held a meeting on 6 December to discuss the report following consultations with church representatives.

Al-Azhar spokesman Ambassador Mohammad Rafaa al-Tahtawi said the objective of the meeting was to take a “patriotic stance” representing all citizens, both Muslim and Christian alike. He said Al-Azhar considered the report “unacceptable interference” in Egypt’s domestic affairs.

The US State Department’s international religious freedoms report, released Wednesday, details alleged abuses of religious freedoms around the world. This year’s report criticized “the practice of religious discrimination against Christians and Baha’is” in Egypt, pointing out that they did not enjoy equal representation in high-level government positions.

The report went on to claim that converts from Islam to Christianity were subject to numerous restrictions, the most noteworthy of which was the refusal of the authorities to issue them new national identity cards reflecting their conversion to Christianity.

Translated from the Arabic Edition.


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    Assad 13 years

    So here we have it, the oldest institute of Islamic teaching in the world and guardians of the religion of peace want the Coptic church to come out and declare” they are not been discriminated against.
    The answer to their request is totally insignificant.
    What is significant however is the implications and true meaning of such an absurd request.
    To make such a request after the events that have transpired this year is totally abhorrent.
    Are the Muslim Scholars at Al-Azhar
    A) Ashamed
    B) In denial
    C) Oblivious
    D) Or stupid.
    In the first instance they are actually asking the church to be unfaithful to itself, and lie to its 10 million Copts within Egypt. The audacity of even thinking of such a vile request.
    What I find totally incredible is in light of the events this transpired two days ago ( because of the construction of a church, the deaths, brutality and arrests, theft of church property, destruction and emotional distress), instead of sending HH Pope Shenouda their condolences, they are asking him to declare” the Copts are quiet happy and content living as second class citizens with no voice in government, no true rights, discriminatory prohibitions, abuse, violence and fear”
    What concerns me the most is the reprehensible sinister message behind such a request?
    To make such a request is total lack of indifference that, “ directly infers that the status and treatment of the Copts as it stands in society acceptable, normal and DOES NOT constitute any form of discrimination.
    The heads of the religion of Peace are telling us that” in their minds, hearts and souls and through adherence to their faith, they can not see any problem with the treatment of the Copts and we have no reason to complain, not should anyone else.
    Do you find it disturbing that they actually think it is totally acceptable for the Copts to continue to be treated as they currently are?
    Such a request Coming for the Al-Azhar, is sending very dangerous message to all Muslim nations is,” it is acceptable and righteous under the teachings of Islam to treat non Muslims as we treat the Copts in egypt.
    I would tell the Al-Azhar legends, you have made total fools of yourselves and fully exposed the nature, sympathy & empathy of Islam. If you can not even see there is a problem, how in the name of God are things ever going to improve?
    What message are you sending the Egyptian community?
    You should be condemning what happened this week, not diving into damage control because Egypt is again been exposed as a draconian, unruly uncivilised nation where Christians are abused under Islamic rule.
    To the Egyptian Foreign Minister & Al-Azhar spokesman Ambassador Mohammad Rafaa al-Tahtawi I would remind the highly intelligent and learned gents, take the sunglasses off, remove the ear plugs and look and listen for a moment. Firstly do you think for 1 second, that even if the Coptic Church yielded to your request any one would actually believe it?
    Who are you kidding?
    Such a response would only serve to further highlight the discrimination against the Copts.
    It isn’t 1960. Technology, satellite, mobiles, internet, provide instant information.
    The net is a world library. If you know how to use a computer, type in: “ COPTIC PERSECUTION”, make sure you are sitting down and have lots of free time and start reading.
    Gentlemen no statement will ever change the facts. The entire world is aware that Egypt is still in the dark ages, a country of discrimination and favouritism, a country with no rule of law and rife with corruption.
    You might fool the Egyptian community and yourselves, but sunshine, a fact is a fact and history speaks for itself and no amount of rhetoric will ever change the facts.
    Your Image will change when you unwillingness to accept reality changes. Your self denial is reprehensible and shameful irrespective of faith. I would implore you to be honest,
    “ if Muslims abroad were treated likewise there would be a bellow of condemnation from the Middle East and Muslim communities abroad”.
    The Difference is Jesus Christ taught us “treat others as you would have them treat you”.
    The reason you do not hear the bellows, is Christians are not taught to treat others as they treat them. As Christians “we do not treat Muslims in non Muslim lands, as the Christians are treated in Islamic lands”, and that is a fact and it is what separates us. A modern day revolution against Islam was achieved by Islamic radicals that made the religion notorious and synonymous with blood shed, terror, death, and extremist inhumane ideologies. I know the truth hurts and the first reaction is to refute such an assertion, but sadly for you, the self denial will not change anything. Islam must change the manner it perceives and treats non Muslim communities.
    Assad Elepty

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