Abune Mathias Elected as the new Patriarch of Ethiopia



Addis Ababa : Archbishop of  Jerusalem, Abune Mathias is elected as the 6th Patriarch of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church .Abune Mathias won 500 of the 806 votes.

He will be known as 6th Patriarch and Catholicos of Ethiopia, Ichege of the See of St. Tekle Haymanot and Archbishop of Axum.

Catholicos of the East and Malankara Metropolitan His Holiness Baselius Paulose II – primate of Indian Malankara Orthodox Church will have personal audience with the new Patriarch tomorrow. A high level Indian Church delegation will attend the consecration ceremony of the newly elected Patriarch of Ethiopia.



OCP News Service

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    […] православне цркве, добивши 500 од 806 гласова, пише Theorthodoxchurch.info […]

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    […] Ny Etiopisk patriark Etiopiske ärkebiskopen av Jerusalem, abune Mathias, vald till Etiopiska ortodoxa kyrkans patriark. http://ocpsociety.org/blog/news/2013/02/abune-mathias-elected-as-the-new-patriarch-of-ethiop… […]

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    Abraham Tezerra 12 years

    Please consider in removing the title Catholicos in the string of title given for the respectful Church leader. It is never been used for Ethiopian Patriarchs. Thanks.

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    […] Теперь он будет известен как шестой Патриарх и Католикос Эфиопии, аббат монастыря Святого Таклы Хайманота и архиепископ Аксума, сообщает Theorthodoxchurch.info […]

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