Armenian Orthodox Church Contributes One Million US Dollar for the Restoration Works of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher

Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin – September 2016

From September 6 to 8, the regular meeting of the Supreme Spiritual Council (SSC) was convened in Stepanakert, the capital city of Nagorno Karabakh (NKR also known as Artsakh), as well as the Gandzasar Monastery, under the presidency of His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians.

The meeting was held in Artsakh to coincide with the 25th anniversary of the Nagorno Karabakh declaration of independence. The members of the Supreme Spiritual Council expressed satisfaction with the meeting, and offered their prayers to God for a peaceful, secure and tranquil life for the people of Artsakh. The Supreme Council also expressed its gratitude to Mr. Bako Sahakyan, President of Nagorno-Karabakh; and His Eminence Archbishop Pargev Martirosyan, Primate of the Diocese of Artsakh; for the invitation and warm hospitality during their visit.

The agenda included issues concerning the Church’s administrative, canonical and diocesan life.

Chairing the meeting sessions were His Grace Bishop Arshak Khachatryan, Chancellor of Mother See of Holy Etchmiadizn; and His Grace Bishop Vahan Hovhannisyan, Primate of the Armenian Diocese of France.

The Council was first briefed on the results and actions taken on issues discussed during the previous meeting. The Council was informed that according to the decision taken during the previous meeting, and considering the urgency of the needed restorations to the Holy Edicule of the Tomb in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher of Jerusalem, based on the appeal of His Beatitude Archbishop Nurhan Manoogian, Armenian Patriarch of Jerusalem; the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin transferred from its operating budget, one million USD to the Patriarchate. His Holiness has sent a request to the dioceses to donate and fulfill the needed amount. Some Dioceses and individual philanthropists have already made transfers and made pledges.

During the meeting His Holiness reported on his August 17-27 visit to India. His Holiness stated that all Armenian churches in India and church-owned properties are under the exclusive care of the St. Nazareth Church administration in Calcutta. His Holiness also reported on the activities of the Armenia College and Philanthropic Academy, its educational progression and the living conditions of the teens. He added that all necessary orders have been made to ensure that all necessary steps are being taken to increase the educational institution’s status and raise the level of education.

Professor Gevorg Danielyan, Doctor of Legal Sciences; presented a report on the National-Ecclesiastical Assembly and the Permanent Commission on Constitutional Guidelines of the SSC. Amendments to the report were made by the Committee Chairman, His Eminence Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, Primate of the Western Diocese of the Armenian Church of North America and member of the Committee His Grace Bishop Arshak Khachatryan.

The Supreme Spiritual Council, discussed the concept of the submitted documents, and accepted with appreciation the Commission’s report, urging them to continue developing the Constitutional Guidelines.

In consideration of the volume of materials that will be submitted to the Ecclesiastical-Representative Assembly, the Commission submitted a request to extend the deadline for the finalization of documents. The SSC, accepting the commission request, decided to change the date of the Assembly from this October to the first half of 2017.

His Eminence Archbishop Yeznik Petrosyan presented a report about the changes to the Guidelines of the Ecclesiastical-Representative Assembly. The SSC members accepted the completed work with appreciation and requested that a draft of the Guideline changes based on the proposals presented dioceses, be prepared and submitted for review.

Mr. Aso Davidian, philanthropist, and Chairman of the Davidian Foundation; presented a report on a project to improve the operational functioning and management efficiency of the Armenian Church. Mr. Davidian reported that in response to a request of His Holiness, he has assumed the responsibility for management of the program’s tasks, and has already organized meetings with Diocesan Primates, clergymen serving in the ecclesiastical structures and layman. For the project implementation, two executive and advisory bodies will be formed, which will examine the directions and methods of the project implementation. He also stated that the Mother See will use the services of the McKinsey & Company Global Management Consulting Firm, to implement the project.

Expressing gratitude to Mr. Davidian for his dedicated service and important commitment provided to the Church, the SSC accepted the report with satisfaction, and making fundamental observations, advised him to take all the necessary steps for the successful implementation of the project.

His Eminence Archbishop Pargev Martirosyan, Primate of the Artsakh Diocese, presented a report on the activities of the Artsakh Diocese. He reported that the historical Artsakh Diocese was closed under the pressure of the authorities in Baku in 1930, and had at the time 18 monasteries, 112 churches, and 276 priests. The Diocese was reopened in 1989, with the blessing of Catholicos Vazgen I. To date, 70 monasteries, churches and chapels have constructed and renovated in the Diocese, and 9 churches and chapels are in the process of construction. 86 pieces of religious literature are published. Archbishop Pargev made specific reference to the church-building programs, presenting the process of construction of the Cathedral of Stepanakert.

Accepting the report with satisfaction, the SSC expressed their great appreciation to the Primate of the Artsakh Diocese and the clergy for their zeal and dedicated service.

During the meeting, His Eminence Archbishop Yeznik Petrosyan, President of the Bible Society of Armenia; reported on the completion of the editing process of the Eastern-Armenian translation of the Bible. He noted the positive results of the professional committee appointed for the project. Welcoming the completion of the work, His Holiness made the necessary suggestions for the arrangement of a new printing of the Holy Bible.

The Supreme Spiritual Council also received the report on the works of the Church Calendar Reform Commission. Also changes were made in the the Disciplinary Committee members.

The Catholicos of All Armenians offered his appreciation and Pontifical blessings to close the meetings of the Supreme Spiritual Council.



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