A Wake up Call for Serbia

George Alexander & Kisha D Dorado
OCP News Service

Our Beloved Serbian Orthodox Sisters, Brothers and Friends in Christ

Our Beloved Serbian Orthodox Sisters, Brothers and Friends in Christ

Many things are happening within the holy Orthodox Serbia. Olden times have changed; this is 21st century Serbia I thought of sharing some of my views on certain aspects of the country which is being discussed with much vigor in the modern age. These are our personal opinions.

By Serbianism we mean the inbuilt courage of each Serbian within, the great traditions, the Orthodox faith of Serbia, the true path shown to us by our forefathers, the great Patriarchs Priests and Metropolitans of our Church, the defenders of Orthodoxy, the great social and political leaders of Serbia. Serbianim include the very essence of Serbia: its flavor, its culture, its people, its beauty, nature, food, – everything that Serbia consists of. The great leaders of Serbia have protected the Serbianism for centuries and handed over the true essence of Serbia to generations.

It is the duty of each Serb to protect and defend Serbianism within them. We had wars, we were attacked and bombed by external forces for no crime we did. The nation got forcefully divided in a geographical manner. Western media pictured Serbs as terrorist but we never lost the Serbiansim the Serbian pride in us. The great Nation of Serbia overcame the modern tools of pseudo democracy and technical warfare must not shed Serbianism.

Gay, Lesbianism and Orgies
The ultra-modern concepts of homosexuality, lesbianism and orgies are definitely a threat to the basic nucleus of any society, none other than the family. These modern elements will eventually lead to the disintegration of human family. The family is the basic unit of our society. Only a good family can produce good individuals which will result in responsible citizens and peaceful brotherhood of nations. This brotherhood between nations can bring peace and prosperity in this world. Of course gays and lesbians are human beings. As the late Lamented Patriarch Alexis II of Moscow and All Russia once remarked homosexuals are human beings who deserve extra care. Society and Church must help these kinds of people to return to their normal life– or at least to cope with realities of the modern world and help them lead a decent life.

Homosexuals are part of our society and the country must have a decent mechanism to help them. The recent Pussy Riot event in Russia is another classic example of pseudo democratic movement to create political turmoil and internal crisis in Russia. This is not just a threat to Russia alone, but to the entire Orthodox East. The perfect tool they use is “human rights.” As professor Philip Jenkins stated, the story would have been different if such a Pussy Riot incident was held in a Mosque or a Jewish Synagogue.

Holding public display of homosexuality by disrespecting Serbian Pride, allowing certain exhibitions of certain artists who picture Jesus Christ as a pervert and a homosexual are a great threat to the ancient traditions, Orthodox Christian values and the ‘Serbianism’ in each one of you.

The EU Dilemma
To join the European Union or not to join, completely rests with the will of Serbs. The common people are to decide for their country’s future. It shall not be decided by some corporates or external power. Let Serbs decide the future of Serbia. Citizens of Serbia know their condition well; economic, social and religious. Nothing shall threat the integrity, freedom, culture and faith of Serbia. Serbia must always be the Serbia who’s holding her head high.

Who wants Roman Pope in Holy Serbian Soil?
Is this the most important things and center of discussion for Serbs? We have a lot of other things to discuss and decide. Can anyone ever forget the tragedies of the World War II smashed upon Serbia by the Vatican lobby? Can we ever forget the hundreds of thousands of our sisters, our mothers, father, children and brothers who were martyred to save the holy Orthodox faith? Will the Roman Catholic Pope ever make genuine apologies to Serbs? Can we ever trust Rome? Many of our Orthodox Church fathers warned us “Never Trust Rome”.

The attitude of Vatican to Serbian Orthodox Christians clearly upholds warnings of our Church fathers. Earlier in history the Vatican tried to control Orthodoxy by creating Eastern Rite Roman Catholics, imperial power, force military strength and the worst of all the unforgettable crime to humanity, the ‘Holocaust’. Am not sure whether Serbs are aware of a person called Avero Manhattan (He was the world’s foremost authority on Roman Catholicism in politics) who has written several books especially a book titled ‘The Vatican Holocaust’ which features the unholy hands of Vatican in murdering torturing and converting Serbian Orthodox Christians to Roman Catholicism. Lately things are changing with Vatican. In the new age of globalization Vatican has a wish to swallow Orthodoxy through diplomatic Ecumenism. The new agenda is to get Pope to the Serbian and Russian Soil where a Roman Catholic Pope has never been allowed to step in.

Vatican is presently trying to pamper and deceive Orthodox hierarchy with the pomp and glory of diplomatic Ecumenism and human rights. On humanitarian grounds, will the Pope be allowed in Serbian Soil? Or shall it occur in order to please the European Union and others, and to finally make them accept a good image of Serbia? The Pope shall recommend the EU and the West to invest in Serbia? The growth of Orthodoxy worldwide has astonished Roman Catholic Church especially in the West where many Roman Catholics, Eastern Catholics and Protestants are returning back to Orthodoxy. So it’s time for Roman Church to attach ancient Orthodox hubs in Eastern Europe and the Balkans. The Vatican must always realize that we Orthodox are not blind puppets.

The Edict of Milan: Who is to be invited?
If the Serbian Church is too concerned about guests that have to be invited for the Edict of Milan – 2013, there is a simple and logical solution: the Serbian Orthodox Church must invite representatives of respectful Oriental Orthodox Primate because the very first schism occurred between the Eastern Orthodox and the Oriental Orthodox family. Later, in 1054, Rome separated from Orthodox communion. It is important to stress that no one of the Oriental orthodox nations or churches has ever sponsored any genocide or terrorist activities in Serbia.

Geographically, the Oriental Orthodox Churches might be separated but they are one family, one faith with the Byzantine Eastern Orthodox Churches. Hence along with respected primates of Eastern Orthodox hierarchy the full presence of Oriental Orthodox Churches must be the first priority, instead of debating about the Roman Catholic People, the Vatican high level delegation and the possibility of their presence for the great anniversary. Anyhow the celebrations of the Edict of Milan remained completely an Eastern Orthodox event, with no representation from any of the Oriental Orthodox Churches.

The Orthodox Christian Brotherhood
We Orthodox Christians need to build a global brotherhood of all Orthodox Churches in order to get a common voice in the world, with the full respect for the nature of each Orthodox Church. We need to have a federation of Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, Orthodox old Believers and all Orthodox together in conciliar nature. It is not good to overlook Oriental Orthodox Christians, saying that they are Non-Chalcedonians. What a good Orthodox theologian knows is that Oriental Orthodox Churches share the same faith and Christology. We need Orthodox military, political, social, economic alliance for good reasons, to defend ourselves and to block external threats. The Orthodox Christin brotherhood does not aim at extremist activities, but it should be an international Orthodox Christian alliance; a conciliar system of world orthodox synod, for unity and to defend the rights of Orthodox Christians and to create a common orthodox voice for peace, justice and equality.

If we had this alliance we could have avoided the separation of Kosovo, the fall of Serbian Krajina as well as sufferings of Orthodox Christians worldwide. If all Orthodox Churches can be a part of WCC and participate in dialogue with Vatican, then what is the big problem in having a Global Orthodox brotherhood?

Rise up Serbia
Rise up Serbia, Rise up and defend your nation from all evil. Let us build the nation where our future generations can live without fear, free to decide their course of life by themselves.

OCP News Service

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    ~~~ LORD loves you ~~~ Glory to CHRIST ~~~ May the LORD bless you and keep you ~ May the LORD smile down on you and show you his kindness ~ May the LORD answer your prayers and give you peace ~~~

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