SCAF announces general mourning on Tuesday for Pope Shenouda

Mohammed Hussein Tantawi- Chairman of the ruling Supreme Council of the Armed Forces

Mohammed Hussein Tantawi- Chairman of the ruling Supreme Council of the Armed Forces

Zeinab El Gundy

Egypt’s ruling Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) announced on Monday a general day of mourning for Pope Shenouda III on Tuesday. The patriarch of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria died at the age of 88 on Saturday evening.

The SCAF made the announcement in a statement it issued on Monday through its official Facebook page.

The funeral of Pope Shenouda III will be held on Tuesday in Cairo at St Mark’s Cathedral. Following the pope’s funeral, a military plane will transfer the body of the late pope for burial at St Bishoy Monastery in Wadi Al-Natroun, in the Behaira Governorate.

On Saturday night, the ruling SCAF passed an executive order, granting Christian state-employees of all denominations a three-day holiday to mourn the late pope.


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