Russia must protect believers from Pussy Riot: Putin

7/9/2012 MOSCOW: President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday Russia was obliged to protect feelings of religious believers in the case of jailed opposition punk rockers Pussy Riot, slamming their antics as an “orgy”. Last month’s jailing for two years of three Pussy Riot members for their impromptu anti-Putin performance in a Moscow cathedral aroused international concern but he said the past suffering of the church needed to be understood.

7/9/2012 MOSCOW: President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday Russia was obliged to protect feelings of religious believers in the case of jailed opposition punk rockers Pussy Riot, slamming their antics as an “orgy”. Last month’s jailing for two years of three Pussy Riot members for their impromptu anti-Putin performance in a Moscow cathedral aroused international concern but he said the past suffering of the church needed to be understood.

Read the full news:
Russia must protect believers from Pussy Riot: Putin

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