Pussy Riot shines in EU despite orgies, blasphemy and hooliganism

28/9/2012 The EU parliament nominated a controversial punk band whose members were recently sentenced to two years in prison for “inciting religious hatred” for a human rights prize, sparking intense condemnation from Russian officials. On Tuesday, deputies of the European Parliament nominated Pussy Riot – the punk band that used Christ the Savior Cathedral as a bully pulpit to rail against the Orthodox Church and President Vladimir Putin – for the prestigious human rights prize that bears the name of nuclear physicist turned human rights champion Andrey Sakharov. The Russian Foreign Ministry slammed the decision as evidence of blatant disregard for Russia’s judicial proceedings.

28/9/2012 The EU parliament nominated a controversial punk band whose members were recently sentenced to two years in prison for “inciting religious hatred” for a human rights prize, sparking intense condemnation from Russian officials. On Tuesday, deputies of the European Parliament nominated Pussy Riot – the punk band that used Christ the Savior Cathedral as a bully pulpit to rail against the Orthodox Church and President Vladimir Putin – for the prestigious human rights prize that bears the name of nuclear physicist turned human rights champion Andrey Sakharov. The Russian Foreign Ministry slammed the decision as evidence of blatant disregard for Russia’s judicial proceedings.

Read the full news:
Pussy Riot shines in EU despite orgies, blasphemy and hooliganism

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