Orthodox Christian ghettoization and anti-Serb clampdown in Kosovo

By Lee Jay Walker, Modern Tokyo Times 2/9/2011 If you reside in a parallel universe then welcome to Kosovo, the land of Albanianization and Islamization and all in the name of democracy. A flick back into history tells us that the Serbs were 98% of the population of Kosovo 600 years ago but today the Orthodox Christian Serbs are between 6% and 8% depending on various figures

By Lee Jay Walker, Modern Tokyo Times 2/9/2011 If you reside in a parallel universe then welcome to Kosovo, the land of Albanianization and Islamization and all in the name of democracy. A flick back into history tells us that the Serbs were 98% of the population of Kosovo 600 years ago but today the Orthodox Christian Serbs are between 6% and 8% depending on various figures

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Orthodox Christian ghettoization and anti-Serb clampdown in Kosovo

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