Georgians revive tradition of sacred chanting

4/12/2012 Since the fourth century AD, Georgians have proudly nurtured their brand of Orthodox Christianity.

4/12/2012 Since the fourth century AD, Georgians have proudly nurtured their brand of Orthodox Christianity.

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Georgians revive tradition of sacred chanting

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Georgians revive tradition of sacred chanting

4/12/2012 Since the fourth century AD, Georgians have proudly nurtured their brand of Orthodox Christianity. But it hasn’t always been easy. Now young Georgians want to reconnect with their rich religious past

4/12/2012 Since the fourth century AD, Georgians have proudly nurtured their brand of Orthodox Christianity. But it hasn’t always been easy. Now young Georgians want to reconnect with their rich religious past

Read the full news:
Georgians revive tradition of sacred chanting

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