Georgia: Orthodox Church Looks Askance at Proliferation of Yoga Studies

Molly Corso 1/9/2012 A growing number of Georgians are turning to yoga to shake off the stress of daily life. But their quest for inner calm and smaller waists is generating hostility from the powerful Georgian Orthodox Church. Over the past two years, yoga has gone from a largely unknown Eastern tradition to a popular fitness routine in the Georgian capital, Tbilisi.

Molly Corso 1/9/2012 A growing number of Georgians are turning to yoga to shake off the stress of daily life. But their quest for inner calm and smaller waists is generating hostility from the powerful Georgian Orthodox Church. Over the past two years, yoga has gone from a largely unknown Eastern tradition to a popular fitness routine in the Georgian capital, Tbilisi.

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Georgia: Orthodox Church Looks Askance at Proliferation of Yoga Studies

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