Youth are the life force of our Church and People

24 July 2014. On Wednesday evening the Youth Committee of the Catholicosate, accompanied by Rev Barouyr Shernezian, director of the Youth Department, met with His Holiness Aram I. The committee presented its activity report and the findings of the survey they had carried out with its 50 members. The purpose of the survey was to identify the expectations of youth from the Church. It was decided that after the compilation of the report and identification of priorities, the committee would expand its study to all other dioceses of the Catholicosate. His Holiness thanked the members of the committee for the study and said, “the Armenian youth are the life force and future of our Church and society.

They should not remain passive members, but should participate in and contribute to all aspects of our community life. He then told the committee that he was committed to empowering the youth who are ready to act in order to safeguard the memory, traditions and values of the Armenian people.


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