Young Jordanians on a visit to the Romanian Patriarchate

On 31 August 2015, His Beatitude Daniel, Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church received at the chapel of “Saint Great Martyr George” of the Patriarchal Residence, a group of young Jordanians accompanied by His Grace Qais Sadiq, Bishop of Erzurum.   The Patriarch of Romania spoke about the role of the young Christians in today’s world: “We think the children and young people are a great gift of God for the Church and society. This is why both the Church and society must have a great concern for the young people’s education and for their professional formation. Today’s world is faced with the phenomenon of secularisation, namely the construction of society without referring to God and Religion. Society is faced with the economical and financial crisis, as well as with many armed conflicts, with wars and violence which bring about a large number of refugees.

We see these days how refugees from Syria and from other countries of the East come to the European countries to escape violence and survive. This is why we must educate youth in the spirit of peace, peaceful living, and mutual respect among various religions and cultures.”   The young Jordanians will also participate, in our country, in a pilgrimage to the places of worship founded by Saint Prince Martyr Constantin Brancoveanu, according to His Grace Qais Sadiq: “Because they have already been in the country, they organised a trip of studies in the footsteps of the Brancovean Saints Martyrs. Thus, we shall visit all the Brancovean settlements of the country and end this pilgrimage at the church of Saint George the New where there are the relics of Saint Constantin Brancoveanu. Tomorrow we shall begin our trip, with the blessing of His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel, which will last 14 days.”   Friday, 4 September 2015, the group of young people of Jordan will participate in the “Meeting of the Orthodox Youth in Europe” to be held in Cluj city.



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