Winners of II Slavic literary forum Announced

Moscow Time

Laureates of the II Slavic literary forum “Golden Knight” were announced in the Russian city of Tula on Friday. According to Interfax, the award in the category “Big Prose” went to Serbian writer Liliana Habyanovich-Djurovic for her novel” The Game of the angels”.

In the category “Big Poetry” Prize the winner was Muscovite Konstantin Skvortsov for the book” The gorge of winged horses”. Scoring the prize in the category “Journalism” was Mikhail Lobanov from Moscow, for the book “Steadfast spirit”.

A special prize of the Slavic Culture Union “Golden Knight” was given to Naydenov Velchev from Bulgaria

A special prize of the Publications Board of the Russian Orthodox Church for the best literary work generating interest in church life went to Alexander Polyakov from Moscow for his novel “Twilight Giants”.

Participating in the forum “Golden Knight” were over 70 writers from Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Poland and Serbia.


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