What the Pope Wants to Hide

Serbian church ruins in Vojnic, Croatia taken in 1972.

The plaque on the church ruins details this evil massacre by Croatian Catholic priests and the Ustasha.

The house of relatives burned to the ground in 1995.

One of my relatives who was killed during Operation Storm in 1995.
William Dorich
June 2014
In a Serbian Orthodox church in Glina, 1,030 Serbians gathered for what they believed to be their forced conversion to Roman Catholicism—their only escape from the persecution of their Croatian neighbors and Roman Catholic clergy. After the baptism of a child—seen in the photograph below—the chief of the Zagreb Ustasha police, Bozidar Corouski, came into the church and proclaimed to the newly converted Serbians: “Now that your are all Roman Catholics, I guarantee you that I can save your souls, but I cannot save your bodies.” The Ustashi entered the church and proceeded to slaughter 1,029 Serbians—the first to be killed was the newly baptized baby—beheaded by an Ustasha, while Fr. Franjo Zuzek held the child. Fr. Zuzek then personally participated in the murder of the remaining 1,028 Serbian victims—Ljuban Jednak, was the only Survivor.
September, 1991
The home occupied by Ljuban Jednak was riddled with bullets by the HVO Croatian nationalists —believing that Mr. Jednak was inside—he had been warned that his name was on a list of those to be exterminated and he fled the night before his home was attacked. This was an obvious second attempt to kill this valuable witness to the genocide against the Serbian people committed in 1941 by those who now seek “freedom” and “democracy” in Croatia. Ljuban Jednak died of natural causes in 1997).
Vatican City – Pope Francis said that the breakup of Yugoslavia was understandable as it is a “many different cultures” that could not survive together “without glue.”
Pope Francis said today that separatism is understandable in cases such as the former Yugoslavia, but, as he said, such a model can not be applied in all cases. “Each division worries me,” said the head of the Roman Catholic Church in an interview with the Spanish newspaper “Vangardija,” reports AFP.
______________________________WHAT A MORON who now pretends that the Vatican did not perpetrate the GENOCIDE in former Yugoslavia. He can run from the history books but he cannot hide. It was the Catholic Church and the Vatican, which was the first, along with Germany, to recognize separatism and to dismembered Yugoslavia. It was the Catholic priests by the hundreds during WWII that participated in the Ustasha and murdered 700,000 Serbs, 40,000 Jews and over 60,000 Roma…It was Catholic priests and nuns who ran concentration camps in Croatia including one in which 90,000 children were put to death. Of course you can’t hold a culture together “without glue” when you deliberately spend decades tearing it apart…
Thousands of those Bosnian Muslims were convert Orthodox Christian Serbs who then cooperated with the Muslim Turks in enslaving their fellow Serbs for 400 years. Both Bosnia and Croatia believed in “Convert or Die” …Even after 380,000 Serbs were forced to convert to Catholicism they were murdered less than a year later by the Nazis and their minions of Catholic priests. Pretending that this is a strange “mixture of cultures” is laughable as the United States has the greatest mixture of diverse ethnic and religious groups.
This Pope has a screw loose. What was created in former Yugoslavia…was an ethnically pure, Roman Catholic Slovenia, (1990)…an ethnically pure, Roman Catholic Croatia (1992), an ethnically divided Bosnia (1993)…and an ethnically pure Islamic Kosovo (2008).
I suggest that this immoral Pope get back on his knees and pray for his own people and asked them to repent for their sins and leave politics to elected officials…no one gives a rats ass about his opinion especially those of us who lost entire families in former Yugoslavia, mine included, to these religious Catholic and Muslim fanatics.
Over 700 Croatian Catholic priests who murdered Serbs, Jews and Gypsies with their own hands fled to his country of Argentina through the “Vatican Ratline” in the same time period Pope Francis became a priest. Ante Pavelic the butcher of Croatia also fled to Argentina through the Ratline and became the Security Advisor to Juan Peron who issued 34,000 visas to Croatian war criminals…this was all taking place in the first decade of his priesthood…the pope is now pretending to be holy than thou is insulting when he helped bury the crimes of the church in Argentina and never lifted a finger about the criminal priests in his midst who were being protected by the Catholic church…he may have been blind but he is not stupid…he is an accessory to Genocide as the 780 Roman Catholic Croatian war criminal priests were aided and abetted by him and all of the priests in Argentina.
Pretending today that he is ignorant of this history is insulting and is like pretending that Avita was a myth while ignoring the historical fact that the Peron government was fascists to its very core. Fascism is what tore Yugoslavia apart with every step of the way aided and abetted by the Vatican and priests of his ilk.
In the village of Vojnic, Croatia where my father was born, in 1942… 99 Serbs were forced to come to the Serbian church for a conversion to Catholicism. The doors were locked from the outside and the church was burned to the ground…17 of those victims were my relatives. The image below was the church ruins for 50 years…in 1995 President Franjo Tudjman bulldozed the site to erase this ugly history. I have also attached an image of the plaque so that our enemies will not accuse me of making this up. Also in 1995 during “Operation Storm” the last 5 relatives of my name were too old and too sick to flee…I was notified a month later by the Red Cross that they were found with their throats slit, their house burned to the ground…the image with the woman was a relative. The Chicago Tribune did a full page story on me in the mid 1990s when we filed the class action law suit against the Vatican Bank…they used these images in the article that I took in 1972.
What a shalow, stupid and insulting article without any scientific evidence..and who is the author to call one of the world religios leaders stupid? I don’t know why are you publishing this man’s lies?
IVO, You are one of those Croats that has everything but SHAME!
What a fraud any Roman Catholic is that denies the genocide against the Serbs by the Croatians. Even my step-mother, a Croatian American and devoted, DIVORCED Roman Catholic… said that “the Croats committed genocide during WWII and during the war in 1992-1997.” However, she said added , ” the SERBS deserved such treatment because they are heretics”.
Orthodox Christians that they are. Croatians have everything they need except SHAME!
It happened and if Tito had had any sense at all he would have NOT have made the SERBS live any where near nasty Bosnian or disgusting Croatian NAZIS!
HANDSCHAR Bosnian SS and Croatian Prince Ogen SS… and let us not forget the JASENOVAC Concentration camp run by Croats and Bosnians…. estimated 550,000 Serbs, 23,000 Jewish and over 15,000 Romas MURDERED in that camp!
“he [Pope Francis] is an accessory to Genocide as the 780 Roman Catholic Croatian war criminal priests were aided and abetted by him and all of the priests in Argentina”
What a calumny! Pope Francis was a teenager of 14-15 years of age when the ratline was operating! And later? Was he and all other young Argentine men supposed to give up their vocations because these Croat fascist priests had already settled there a few years earlier? Of course not! He wasn’t ordained until 1969! So what “abetting” could he possibly have done? No, this article is practicing guilt by association. It is just wrong.
I am very sorry for your loss and that of your family, and you and I should never forget the evil that you describe, but your bitterness is blinding you to the truth.
You are one sick RC puppy
Fact is, that the RC ratlines continued well into the 1950s… as more and more Nazi war criminals were on the run from other hiding places. One Nazi SS officer found himself on the run from the Spanish town he was living in and would up in Argentina by 1955.
Pavelic was the FASCIST leader of the Croatians during WWII and he escaped via the ratlines to Argentina and became the director of the secret police for Juan Peron. After he lost the confidence of Peron he escaped and his for years in Spain under the fascist leader of Spain, Franco.
And one of the Croatian leaders of the military during the Civil was of the 1990s was one General Gotivina and he also hid in RC Spain while on the run from the HAGUE… he was wanted for war crimes against SERB CIVILIANS ( mostly old folks) .
“Fact is, that the RC ratlines continued well into the 1950s” Yes, the EARLY 1950’s. OK, so one outlier shows up in Argentina in 1955. The future Pope Francis was just turning 19 then.
Look, I’m not disputing any facts about the evils of the Ustashi. Please do not read my comments as stating otherwise, I’m not. I agree with you on that. But unless someone produces witnesses who can show that a Croat fascist priest opened a nightclub and hired the future Pope as his bouncer AND had a conversation with him in which the future Pope agreed with the genocide then there is no reason to believe there are any real connections here.
Thank you for the ad hominem attack. As I wrote above, I accept the historicity of the atrocities against the Serbs and I condemn them. These atrocities are evil. So how can I be sick? Because I cannot accept group culpability?
Yes, I am RC, but I often attend Divine Liturgy in orthodox churches. I love the Eastern churches and I see the work of the Holy Spirit in them. I applaud the recent growth in missionary activity around the world from the Eastern churches. I want to see intercommunion between our churches. I believe that intercommunion can be accomplished without ecclesiastical union (the RC church does in principle, after all, accept the validity of autocephaly because it accepts the Council of Ephesus) and without full resolution of ‘heresies’. With God’s grace these are possible.
What troubles me is the real hatred seen in some Eastern churches. I’m not writing just about the RC church. In the 20th century there was real nastiness between the Eastern and Oriental churches (which seems to be declining, thank God) and between them and the Nestorian churches. I find these as painful to watch as the Protestant-Catholic division. I would like to see such hatreds end, not by people giving up their beliefs or by forgetting the evils of the past (that would be wrong) but rather with Christian forgiveness and forbearance.
No, I don’t think that any of my opinions are sick. Sick would be some member of an Eastern church holding me personally responsible for the Crusaders burning Constantinople, even after I repudiate the Crusade. I hope that you are not one of them.
Again, you are practicing guilt by association. Spain has been largely secular since Franco’s death and the RC church there is under some anti-Christian pressure from the government on issues such as gay rights. Furthermore, it was the Spanish government that arrested Gotovina – is it fair to assign blame to the people who solved the problem? No, it’s not. How about blaming the other countries that harbored him, including China, the Czech Republic, Tahiti, and Russia, none of which are RC majority? Oh, wait, we can’t do that, that would spoil the anti-RC meme, wouldn’t it?
Well, maybe secular since Franco died but even after his death Jews were NOT openly welcomed.
Yes, Spain arrested him ON orders of the HAGUE. They bow and scrap to the EU now.
We really do not need you to attend our services and trick our priests into giving you the Eucharist by pretending to be Orthodox. DO you know how many of the Orthodox think you are a heretic because YOU believe in the WRONG, VERY wrong doctrine of ORIGINAL SIN???
We do not hate you , we want you to ditch original sin, immaculate conception of Mary ( ANOTHER VERY EVIL RC doctrine) and to lose the “infalliable” pope of Rome.
Do that and YOU too can be saved in the TRUE church!
Get back to me on the St. Bartholomew Day’s Massacre and I will can tell you why MANY Protestants are SO ANGRY with ROME! Oh and Bloody Mary’s reign of terror in Britain …. ALL sanctioned by the Roman Pope.
Why is it that you RC are always saying this and that about being misunderstood and unloved by the Orthodox and Protestants, when YOU NEVER ADMIT ALL YOUR MANY MURDERS, TORTURES and you certainly do not GET IT !!
You guys have committed so many sins… priests molesting boys for CENTURIES…and YOU all NEVER stop feeling sorry for yourselves……. YOU ALL NEVER REPENT AND REFORM…. YOU NEVER CARE ABOUT YOUR CHURCHES’ VICTIMS!
Many have forgiven your church its sins, but you guys really DO NOT deserve it…. You always do evil deeds and act like God is never watching.
Yes, you are responsible IF you belong to a church which is responsible and NEVER asked OPENLY of GOD to forgive the madness that the RC has wrought on the world.
YOU SHOULD NOT come onto an Orthodox Site and act like we Orthodox are NOT entitled to dislike the RC false doctrines, or Croatian Genocide against the Serbian people or the sneaky attitude of your new Pope of Rome towards our Church.
YOU RC are often arrogant . GIVE IT UP!
Actually, I am aware of and respect the Orthodox views of intercommunion with Catholics, and I have never asked for nor received communion in an Orthodox church. I do pray that this change someday, but I am no militant, and I respect the existing church order. Why did you jump to the opposite conclusion?
I am aware that many (not all) Orthodox do not accept the teaching of St. Augustine on original sin. Yet he is still recognized by the Orthodox as a saint and he is celebrated on the orthodox liturgical calendar. Evidently his heresy is not seen as heretical enough to deserve anathema. This is the sort of charitable position that I advocate. I think we need to respect and love each other despite our theological differences, and that should include intercommunion where possible. I’ll will leave it up to God and to his representatives in our churches to decide how and when that should happen.
Here I write over and over that I condemn the Croatian genocide against the Serbs, and you keep on acting as if I don’t condemn it. What is wrong with you?
But Catholics do admit to the sins of atrocities in the Counter-Reformation. It’s just that haters refuse to hear the admissions.
All I will say in reply to your nasty and desperate charge about child molesting priests is that I almost became one of their victims, and physically fought off an attacker. So I am in a sense one of the victims. So tell me, what do I have to repent of? Again you are practicing guilt by association.
“Many have forgiven your church its sins, but you guys really DO NOT deserve it.” So, you are so sure of God’s will and His forgiveness? From where I sit it looks like you are committing the sin of presumption.
“They bow and scrap to the EU now.” Agreed. And that makes the “RC Spain” charge largely invalid, doesn’t it?
True, but anti-Semitism is common throughout Europe today, even in Orthodox countries, so you win nothing with that post.
C’mon, the Orthodox do no disbelieve in some kind of immaculate purity of Mary. The just don’t believe in the dogmatic declaration made by the Pope. There is a core belief on this subject that is shared by all Christians except Nestorians and Protestants. It is wrong to write that the RC position is VERY EVIL when it largely overlaps with the Orthodox.