Very Rev. Dr. Sthepanose Ramban ordained as Mathews Mor Antheemos

Syrian Orthodox Church in India (SOCI)

Very Rev. Dr. Sthepanose Rabban ordained as Mathews Mor Antheemos at Cathedral of St. Peter & St. Paul in the Ma`arat Sayyidnay, Damascus. His Holiness the Patriarch Moran Mor Ignatius Zakka I Iwas lead the ceremony and His Beatitude the Catholicose Aboon Mor Baselios Thomas I, Mor Philoxenos Matthiyas Nayis (Patriarchal Assistant and Metropolitan of St. Aphrem Theological Seminary, Ma’arrat Saidnaya, Damascus) , Mor Gregorios Joseph (Metropolitan of Kochi Diocese & Malankara Episcopal Synod Secretary), Mor Dionysius Yuhanon Kawaq (Director of Patriarchal Office) and newly ordained metropolitans of Malankara Mor Julius Elias, Mor Alexandrinos Thomas and Mor Polycarpose Zacharia assisted His Holiness.


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