Ukraine Hasn’t Asked its Orthodox Church to Split from Moscow – Archbishop
www.sputniknews.com – 19/6/16
The Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople has not yet received a request from Ukraine’s parliament to grant the local branch of the Orthodox Church formal independence from Moscow, the Patriarchate’s representative told Sputnik.
KOLYMVARI (Crete) (Sputnik) – Ukraine’s Verkhovna Rada has reportedly asked the head of the Eastern Orthodox Church to make the Ukrainian Church independent from Moscow’s Patriarch Kirill.
“We have heard about this from the press. It was several days ago. We are in Crete right now so I cannot tell if an official request has already reached the Patriarchate. But as soon as the issue is brought up officially, the Ecumenical Patriarch [Bartholomew I] will look into it,” Archbishop Job of Telmessos said.
He said a change in the Ukrainian Church’s status is a complicated issue that will be considered by Bartholomew’s Synod.
“Bartholomew’s Synod”
Another Sputnikism? Highlights how embarrasing this “news” source really is.
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It’s never an embarrassment…keep trying pls.
We need to unite…our strength lies upon it…
When the Holly Spirit allows it…
everone will come together! You’ll see!
You my friend must a Judah!?
The Synod is a holly gathering…
You can’t address anything like this to the Synod!
May God help us all!
I think Bartholomew is trying to take over the whole orthodox church around the world like a pope because he as no church left. and for oca who does he think he is God no!!!!!!!! he is the only one that thinks there is no OCA. He is not orthodox he should not be a bishop!!!!! WE ARE GREEK!!!
WE ARE THE OCA ARE NOT JUST GREEK That is I what meant to say
Same old tired and long-winded accusations and anti-Ecumenical Patriarchate paranoia. Anyone who has read any recent publications on othe Orthodox Church’s ecclesiology written by THEOLOGIANS will see how rich in Theology the Ecumenical Patriarchate is immersed in. Have you read anything by Chryssavgis? Vgenopoulos? The Ecumenical Patriarch himself? There is theological substance in their works. If anyone is trying to provoke a power struggle it is the Patriarch of Russia, some of whose followers have openly campaigned that Patriarch Kyril assert himself as the Leader of Orthodoxy. This is nothing short of an usurpation of the CANONICALLY-DEFINED primacy – whether you like it or not – of the Ecumenical Patrairchate. The editors of Sputnik are notorious for peddling this destabilising trend coupled with its blatant promotion of the agenda of the Russian State, making Vladimir Putin out to be somewhat of a superstar. Are you aware of that? Here’s a brief descripton of Sputnik (which by the way is ridiculed by several of my Russian friends) in its Widipedia entry:
Sputnik (pronounced spʊtnɪk) is an online news and radio broadcast service established by the Russian government-controlled news agency Rossiya Segodnya (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sputnik_%28news_agency%29)
This is why I expect better from OCP which is otherwise a great service.
The Holy and Great Synod is essential. It shouldn’t be undermined by hysteria based on schismatic spirit-inspired anti-Ecumenical Patriarchate propaganda.
“because he as no church left…”
So primacy should be given on the basis of the larger the Church? Where is that sentiment justified and decreed by the Canons or precedent in the history of the Church? Rome was reduced to a quasi-village in the 6th century yet noone questioned its primacy.
Your views are agitating the unity of the Church and I urge you to repent of this sin.
Read my response to Mark.
My views are in line with yours: the Holy and Great Council is just that: and it is vital and inspired by the Holy Spirit. It is a Council of the Orthodox Church. NOT “BARTHOLOMEW’s COUNCIL”. Sputnik is obvioulsy trying to obviate and downlplay the significance of the Council now that Russia is not participating by referring to it pejoritavely as “Bartholomew’s Council”.
Mark, Since when are we, Ukrainians are “Greek” or “Russian”?
It seems OK for every other Orthodox to be “Bulgarian, Ethiopia, Russia, Slovenian or whatever” but not Ukrainian, eh?
Sorry for bad news to all of you Orthodoxes, but we Ukrainian Orthodoxes are still on this planet, and we are still Ukrainians and we are still Orthodox that should be recognized as such at the Council of the orthodox states as Orthodox Ukrainians. How can the World Council of Orthodox States ignore this fact ?
You, out there, open your eyes and see that we Ukrainian Orthodoxes are still on this planet, and you should be able to see millions of us, just as we have been SEEN by the World’s other nations as a sovereign independent nation > UKRAINE < that already had its OWN Orthodox Church on its own territory for over a thousand years !
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