Tragedy continues for Christians in Aleppo: You can help them

A young girl in Syria, who needed to fill containers with water, sat and cried as they were too heavy for her to carry home. Aleppo’s citizens are desperate for even the basics such as fresh water and electricity
Barnabas Fund – August 2016
“The enemy has besieged the rebels … the rebels attacked us and occupied the main road (the supply route of Aleppo) and we were besieged for ten days. And because of this, the government … surrounded the rebels and [we have] been besieged totally.”
– email to Barnabas Fund from our ministry partner in Aleppo, evening of Friday 19 August
Facing tragedy every day, destitute and without reliable supplies of food, medicines, water or electricity, our ministry partner in Aleppo paints a grim picture of the constant danger with which the Christians trapped in Aleppo have to live.
As our ministry partner reported the previous week, “The situation here, as you may have been hearing and seeing, it is very bad and intolerable even unbearable. Totally besieged, no in or out, thousands of people stuck outside and hundreds inside planning to travel. No food, no fuel, no water, no electricity, even the generators are working less.”
Fuel and food are increasingly scarce. Young children are suffering the most; the shops no longer stock milk and it now sells on the black market for up to ten times the usual price. An estimated 40,000 Christians are amongst the remaining residents.
Barnabas Fund has been assisting Christians in Aleppo with food, water and other basics since their city was first besieged in this long-running civil way. Please send a gift to enable us to keep on meeting their urgent needs.
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