Tradition And Continuity In The Relations Between The Romanian And Georgian Peoples


The Press Office of the Romanian Patriarchate informs us:

On 20 June 2011, His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel received His Excellency Mr. Levan Metreveli, Ambassador of the Republic of Georgia in Bucharest, on a farewell visit, on the occasion of the end of his diplomatic mission in Romania.

After over three years of diplomatic mission in our country, Mr. Ambassador of the Republic of Georgia considers himself a friend of the Romanians and wanted to thank for the good co-operation with the Romanian Patriarchate. In this sense, His Excellency remembered, as a special experience, his participation in the celebration of the dedication day of Antim Monastery of Bucharest, founded by Saint Hierarch Martyr Antim Ivireanul, native of Georgia.

His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel underlined the traditional relationships between the two peoples with a long rich Christian Orthodox tradition expressing his hope that the cultural religious relations between the two countries and Orthodox Churches will continue through the intensification of the exchange of students in the schools of theology of the two countries as well as through pilgrimages to holy places in Georgia and Romania. The Patriarch of Romania conveyed a brotherly salute to His Beatitude Elijah II, Patriarch Catholicos of Georgia and wished every success to Mr. Levan Metreveli, in his new diplomatic mission.


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