The VATICAN & Nazi Connection (Video)

Hitler and Catholic Papel Nuncio Archbishop Orsenigo

† Ephesians_6:12 † – January 2017
~How Pope Pius XII turned a blind eye to the horrors of the Nazi Party & subsequently went along with Adolf Hitler, proving that behind the Vatican doors, demons dwell !
~20th Century Fox [Hollywood] produced Nazi films during the rise of Hitler in 1933.
Nice photo of PROTESTANT clergy with the Nazi salutes there.
Pius XII NEVER turned a blind eye, he was silent due to fear that speaking out would cause atrocities and hinder his secret efforts to support anti-Nazi Germans. This is all well documented.
Demons in the Vatican? We know from Jesus’ words in the Gospels that demons will attempt to enter ALL churches. We all need to watch the beams in our own eyes more than those of others.
I see the Protestant photo was exchanged with two Catholic photos.
When are we going to see articles on Orthodox collaboration with the Communists? Lots of that can be found in https://openlibrary.org/works/OL15844949W/The_Russian_Church_under_the_Soviet_Regime_1917-1982 as well as some Orthodox collaboration with the Nazis.
Interesting that Bishop Cesare Orsenigo is now shown on this page. Church of Spies has this to say about him regarding the Vatican’s intelligence efforts in Germany: “The nunico [ambassador] in Berlin, Cesare Orsenigo, saw Hitler as merely a German Mussolini, and so ‘could not execute normal [intelligence] operations,’ as [attorney and Vatican spy] Muller recalled, ‘not even in his reports to the Vatican.’ Not a ringing endorsement of the idea that Orsenigo represented close Vatican ties to the Nazis.
Another quote from the book:
“By that summer [1942], the world had still heard only rumors of the genocide, but Pius had a stack of reports. Nuncio Giuseppe Burzio cabled from Slovakia that 80,000 Jews vanished into Poland. Angelo Totta, the nuncio in Budapest, wrote that the Slovakian Jews had ‘gone to a certain death.’ Gerhard Rieger, the representative of the Jewish World Congress in Geneva, told the nuncio in Bern of Jews massacred by ‘gas and lethal injection.’ Even Orsenigo, the pro-Axis papal agent in Berlin, credited ‘macabre suppositions’ about the deportees’ fates.adding” ‘All well-meant intentions to intervene on behalf of the Jews are impossible.’ Holland’s bishops, however, issued a public condemnation; the Nazis, however, responded by deporting 40,000 Dutch Jews.”
Why not just respect the truth and stop publishing this baloney? Aside from the ratlines there is very little to point at the Vatican.
OK, I finally got around to watching the video. It’s an example of conspiracy theory insanity. The existence of it on this site does not credit Orthodoxy well, in fact the last lines against churches could be seen as anti-Orthodox! Just look at the 666 thinking! This is nuts!
Watching “Codes and Conspiracies” ~Gold~ S3/Ep4… They’re speaking about “Nazi Gold” and that the Vatican helped the Nazis when they were, on the run, so to speak. Even goes as far as saying that they helped them settle in Argentina!!! I’m SOO shocked!!! I’m a devote Catholic, never heard of this before!!!! PLEASE tell me it’s not true!!!!!
544165 184570Extremely nice design and style and wonderful topic matter, really little else we want : D. 135897